On 3 Mar 2016, at 10:17, Angelo zerr wrote:

Hi Doug,

As TypeScript supports now JSX, I have tried it with my integration of
TypeScript inside Eclipse https://github.com/angelozerr/typescript.java and
JSX completion works well!
The JSDT Editor was extended with TypeScript Language Service (with
tsserver) and here the result:

[image: Images intégrées 1]

I must just improve the JSX support like validation. I have created an
issue at https://github.com/angelozerr/typescript.java/issues/10

For the JSX syntax coloration, I have created an issue at
https://github.com/angelozerr/typescript.java/issues/11 but it's not
possible today because JSDT Editor doesn't provide an extension point kind
(like SSE semantic highlight).
See eclipse bugzilla at https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=486961

I think we are gradually turning JavaScript Editor to a proper SSE editor. Victor is now looking to integrate reconcile validators as an extension point. The batch validation is also moving to become WTP validation.
I think this will help you with these typescript/jsx cases.

Also semantic highlighting can be the next step forward. I also want to explore if we can utilize
Textmate language grammars to provide default highlighting.

Regard's Angelo

2016-03-03 3:25 GMT+01:00 Doug Schaefer <cdtd...@gmail.com>:

Anyone know of a JSX/ES6 plug-in? I've become a big React fan the last few
months and would love proper support (instead of confusing the poor
JavaScript editor). I'll be showing some of my work at EclipseCon with my
IDE for IoT demo and will have to do some handwaving.


On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 2:07 AM, Angelo zerr <angelo.z...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Gorkem,

I understand that it's a little hard for you to give me an answer. I will
study refactor/search in few months.

Now I would like to start developping Angular2 Eclipse plugin but as
Angular2 uses syntax with [], () for attributes names, HTML editor doesn't
support it -(
See https://github.com/angelozerr/angular2-eclipse/issues/1

Regard's Angelo

2016-03-02 1:29 GMT+01:00 Gorkem Ercan <gorkem.er...@gmail.com>:

We are continuing with our plan to drop the inference engine and replace
the parser with Esprima.
Search and refactoring are two areas of JSDT that will be impacted
highly from this change.
At this time, it is very hard for anyone to be able to asses if we can
have extensions on these areas.
I wish I had a better answer at this time.


On 1 Mar 2016, at 10:48, Angelo zerr wrote:

Hi guys,

I would like to know if JSDT has the intention to provide some
extension to
override features and delegate features to an other component (ternjs,
typescript, etc) like search, or refactor.

In my case I would like to use for instance rename of tern.js (with tern.java) and rename of TypeScript (typescript.java) inside Eclipse. My
question is:

* implement my own refactor action?
* use JSDT refactor action and override it (if in the future it will be

There are several problems by using JSDT or search feature:

* the project must have JSDT nature (otherwise Refactor menu item
appear, search with Ctrl+Shift+G cannot be executed). In the case of typescript.java and tern.java I don't need to have the JSDT nature.

* refactor, search works with an IJavaScriptUnit although in my case, I
don't need that. I want just offset to consume TypeScript service
or ternjs, and that's all.

See problem with tern.java with search with Ctrl+Shift+G:


Please tell me if you think that JSDT coudl provide some extensionb.
Otherwise I will implement search and refactor from scratch.

Many thanks

Regard's Angelo
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