
As Max pointed towards my work I think I should provide some background.

The main target of the stuff I'm working on is any type of application
no matter if you just work on your simple RCP and want a scripting
editor, want to implement a fully blow IDE or you have a simple none
OSGi-based application.

So I've taken care to not depend on anything beside org.eclipse.text and
then based on your UI-Technology org.eclipse.jface.text or our JavaFX

The basic idea is that syntax highlight should be a configuration thing
and not something you express with (java)code. I've naturally looked at
TextMate definition but decided against making this as the default
definition language for highlightings but something that is very close
to how Eclipse-Text inner workings.

But eventually someone could write a converter who builds the in memory
model from eg TextMate.

At dev-time we use a DSL but at runtime we use JSON-Files to load the
configurations from.

* Dev-Time Format:

* Runtime-Time Format:

Another must is the possibility to provide themes easily (which for
JavaFX is fairly easy as we simply delegate to JavaFX-CSS) but for SWT
we implemented our own story and no I don't think SWT-CSS is the correct
solution, if I want to write a lightweight SWT-UI I never ever add all
the e4 CSS stuff!

Finally let me talk a but about the basic framework idea:

*Everything is a service!*

* lexical-highlighting is a service
* auto-complete is a service
* hover is a service
* annotation (errors, break-points, ...) is service

So the editor really does not really care where things come from and all
of them are optional services!

We currently have opensource impls for:
* dart
* typescript (current version is completely different to the v1 where
  we used ts-server but we now directly call the LanguageService-API
* highlighting for various languages [3]

So finally why GPLv3?

First of all the basics framework features are EPL because they are part
of e(fx)clipse, the SWT-bits are currently available under GPL because I
wanted to keep tighter control what happens with the code until others
help push this forward.

BestSolution.at is the last company who would refuse to relicense under
EPL if others contribute towards getting a new, better and more
lightweight editor framework out up and running at Eclipse.

And yes I said NEW because what I've seen so far from SSE is that is
much too heavyweight for my use cases.

BestSolution.at primarily focuses on JavaFX (Editors) but that does not
mean we would not push the Eclipse IDE forward if we see a business case
for that.



On 04.03.16 18:02, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
> On 4 Mar 2016, at 9:29, Angelo zerr wrote:
>     Hi Max,
>     2016-03-04 9:18 GMT+01:00 Max Andersen mande...@redhat.com
>     <mailto:mande...@redhat.com>:
>         You mean jsdt supporting text mate syntax bundles ?
>     I mean using TextMate syntax (coming from VSCode which is MIT
>     license) for
>     JSX, TypeScript, JS file extension.
>     But for JSDT, I need just an extension point to override
>     IJavaCodeScanner
>     https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=486961
>     After that, you can implement it like you wish:
>       * with acorn like I have done
>         https://github.com/angelozerr/tern.java/tree/master/sandbox
>       * with TextMate liek I would like to do.
>         I think that's interesting but not something that fit into jsdt.
>         Have you looked at the work tom Schindl done on making a generic
>         text
>         editor at platform level to enable things like this?
>     No, have you a link please?
> https://github.com/BestSolution-at/code-swt
> its still under GPLv3 but I hope Tom will eventually make it EPL.
> /max
>     Regard's Angelo
>         /max
>         http://about.me/maxandersen
>         On 04 Mar 2016, at 08:42, Angelo zerr angelo.z...@gmail.com
>         <mailto:angelo.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
>         Hi Gorkem,
>         I have forgotten to say you that I had started a POC with
>         TextMate. Are
>         you interested with my work? It's not finished but I will try to
>         integrate
>         inside JSDT Editor and if it works I would liek to provide a PR
>         with an
>         extension point to override the default JSDT syntax coloration.
>         It should
>         be fantastic if JSDT could provide this extension point
>         https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=486961 for Neon.
>         If it's
>         possible I will implement this extension point with my TextMate
>         work and
>         Eclipse user will be available to benefit with JSX, Angular2 syntax
>         coloration this year.
>         Regard's Angelo
>         2016-03-03 20:06 GMT+01:00 Angelo zerr angelo.z...@gmail.com
>         <mailto:angelo.z...@gmail.com>:
>                 Angelo what does your ESLint validator use(other than
>                 aslint)?
>             I'm afraid that you will not able to use directly because I
>             use a tern
>             plugin per linter for that (tern-eslint, tern-jshint, tern-lint,
>             tern-jscs)
>             Those tern linter uses ESLint, JSHint, API and returns the
>             same message
>             error (so it's easy to implement your own linter).
>             But you could adapt
> https://github.com/angelozerr/tern-eslint/blob/master/eslint.js#L394
>             to
>             use it without tern plugin.
>                 Can we run it with Nashorn?
>             Yes, since tern can be executed with Nashorn
> https://github.com/angelozerr/tern.java/tree/master/core/tern.server.nashorn
>             2016-03-03 18:53 GMT+01:00 Gorkem Ercan
>             gorkem.er...@gmail.com <mailto:gorkem.er...@gmail.com>:
>                 On 3 Mar 2016, at 11:25, Angelo zerr wrote:
>                         I think we are gradually turning JavaScript
>                         Editor to a proper SSE
>                         editor.
>                         Victor is now looking to integrate
>                         reconcile validators as an extension point. The
>                         batch validation is
>                         also
>                         moving to become WTP validation.
>                         I think this will help you with these
>                         typescript/jsx cases.
>                     Today I have developped a WTP validation. for
>                     TypeScript file (*.ts) by
>                     hacking the WTP validation. ( I add a
>                     DocumentRegionProcessor when JSDT
>                     editor is opened).
>                     It works great (I had done that too for tern.java
>                     with WTP Validator for
>                     JSHint, ESLint, etc).
>                     With your integration, it will be more cleaner. Is
>                     it planned for neon?
>                 Yes the target is Neon. Hopefully, you will no longer
>                 need the
>                 DocumentRegionProcessor hack
>                 anymore. We plan to convert the basic JS syntax
>                 validation to use
>                 WTP/SSE style validators.
>                 Angelo what does your ESLint validator use(other than
>                 aslint)? Can we
>                 run it with Nashorn? The old JSDT parser
>                 is a combination of a linter and syntax parser and with
>                 the move to
>                 Esprima we are loosing the
>                 linter type markers. I am looking into the possibility
>                 of pulling in a
>                 linter to JSDT to fill the gap.
>                     Also semantic highlighting can be the next step
>                     forward. I also want to
>                         explore if we can utilize
>                         Textmate language grammars to provide default
>                         highlighting.
>                     I love this idea:) VSCode uses exactly this idea. See
> https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/tree/master/extensions/javascript/syntaxes
>                 There are other editors out there that use Textmate
>                 grammars too. It is
>                 the
>                 de facto standard nowadays.
>                 Regard's Angelo
>                         Regard's Angelo
>                             2016-03-03 3:25 GMT+01:00 Doug Schaefer
>                             cdtd...@gmail.com <mailto:cdtd...@gmail.com>:
>                             Anyone know of a JSX/ES6 plug-in? I've
>                             become a big React fan the
>                             last few
>                                 months and would love proper support
>                                 (instead of confusing the poor
>                                 JavaScript editor). I'll be showing some
>                                 of my work at EclipseCon
>                                 with my
>                                 IDE for IoT demo and will have to do
>                                 some handwaving.
>                                 Thanks,
>                                 Doug.
>                                 On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 2:07 AM, Angelo
>                                 zerr angelo.z...@gmail.com
>                                 <mailto:angelo.z...@gmail.com>
>                                 wrote:
>                                 Hi Gorkem,
>                                     I understand that it's a little hard
>                                     for you to give me an answer. I
>                                     will
>                                     study refactor/search in few months.
>                                     Now I would like to start
>                                     developping Angular2 Eclipse plugin
>                                     but as
>                                     Angular2 uses syntax with [], () for
>                                     attributes names, HTML editor
>                                     doesn't
>                                     support it -(
>                                     See
> https://github.com/angelozerr/angular2-eclipse/issues/1
>                                     Regard's Angelo
>                                     2016-03-02 1:29 GMT+01:00 Gorkem
>                                     Ercan gorkem.er...@gmail.com
>                                     <mailto:gorkem.er...@gmail.com>:
>                                     We are continuing with our plan to
>                                     drop the inference engine and
>                                         replace
>                                         the parser with Esprima.
>                                         Search and refactoring are two
>                                         areas of JSDT that will be impacted
>                                         highly from this change.
>                                         At this time, it is very hard
>                                         for anyone to be able to asses if we
>                                         can
>                                         have extensions on these areas.
>                                         I wish I had a better answer at
>                                         this time.
>                                         —
>                                         Gorkem
>                                         On 1 Mar 2016, at 10:48, Angelo
>                                         zerr wrote:
>                                         Hi guys,
>                                             I would like to know if JSDT
>                                             has the intention to provide
>                                             some
>                                             extension to
>                                             override features and
>                                             delegate features to an
>                                             other component
>                                             (ternjs,
>                                             typescript, etc) like
>                                             search, or refactor.
>                                             In my case I would like to
>                                             use for instance rename of
>                                             tern.js
>                                             (with
>                                             tern.java) and rename of
>                                             TypeScript (typescript.java)
>                                             inside
>                                             Eclipse.
>                                             My
>                                             question is:
>                                               * implement my own
>                                                 refactor action?
>                                               * use JSDT refactor action
>                                                 and override it (if in
>                                                 the future it will be
>                                                 supported).
>                                             There are several problems
>                                             by using JSDT or search feature:
>                                               *
>                                                 the project must have
>                                                 JSDT nature (otherwise
>                                                 Refactor menu item
>                                                 doesn't
>                                                 appear, search with
>                                                 Ctrl+Shift+G cannot be
>                                                 executed). In the case
>                                                 of
>                                                 typescript.java and
>                                                 tern.java I don't need
>                                                 to have the JSDT
>                                                 nature.
>                                               *
>                                                 refactor, search works
>                                                 with an IJavaScriptUnit
>                                                 although in my
>                                                 case,
>                                                 I
>                                                 don't need that. I want
>                                                 just offset to consume
>                                                 TypeScript service
>                                                 language
>                                                 or ternjs, and that's all.
>                                             See problem with tern.java
>                                             with search with Ctrl+Shift+G:
> https://github.com/angelozerr/tern.java/issues/339#issuecomment-146618346
>                                             Please tell me if you think
>                                             that JSDT coudl provide some
>                                             extensionb.
>                                             Otherwise I will implement
>                                             search and refactor from
>                                             scratch.
>                                             Many thanks
>                                             Regard's Angelo
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> /max
> http://about.me/maxandersen
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Thomas Schindl, CTO
BestSolution.at EDV Systemhaus GmbH
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