Word to the wise..

On 01/09/06, Lonny Eachus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
David, sometimes these people forget what it is like to be a newb, and
give you specific information might be helpful *IF* you had a context in
which to put it. From what you say, it appears you need some more
general information first.


    $ie.link(:id, 'sessionDialogCancel').click

However, I will caution you that it is usually not a good idea to use
global variables like $ie.  In the vast majority of cases, you will want
to use an instance variable instead, which uses the @ sign. So rather
than $ie you would have @ie.

I hardly think that bringing up the difference between global and instance variables to someone who doesn't know how to start IRB is a good idea right now.  I think you should follow your own advice and keep things simple right now.

I don't consider myself a newb anymore but I still can't be bothered working out the difference between global and instance variables in my scripts.  $ie works quite nicely for me and I am really not interested in sorting out the difference right now.  Global/class/instance/local variables all have their place and everyone has their own ideas about how to use them based on their level of programming experience.  Do you really think this is the right time to spring them on David?

I remember all too well the frustrations I went through in the beginning trying to figure out Ruby and Watir and getting advanced advice like yours above that had almost no meaning to me whatsoever from where I was coming from.

Points for hitting the target, but you missed the bullseye. (i.e. added to the confusion factor)  Just a friendly reminder.  (I'm not shooting the messenger, just letting you know that I don't believe the message was helpful this time.)

Cheers.  Paul.
(The recent post-newb who's more interested in solving testing problems with scripts than learning to become a programmer.)

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