Sun wrote:
> Yes...the problem I have is that I have a corporate browser. I have in fact 
> "checked" this so that it should not reappear but it does anyway. Corporate 
> IT doesn't let us change the security levels for the browser so...that is 
> probably why the popups are forced.
> OK, thank you for the suggestion. I have implemented it. Problem now is, I 
> get this message:
> undefined method `enabled_popup' for #<Watir::IE:0x2c61aa4>
> Presumably I am missing a library somewhere? I should be requiring something 
> that I am not?
> But as I mentioned in the base note, I have installed the current Ruby 
> (1.8.4-20 stable), and the development gem for Watir (watir- 
> is the complete script text (which I am running in freeride):
The enabled_popup() call wasn't added to the development trunk until 
about version 1079.  Version 1081 is now available at and that version 
has enabled_popup().

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