I guess I'm not too surprised, its been a long time since there's been any
active development on the project, it is definitely a big void to fill

Nick, glad to hear about ci reporter, I will definitely be taking a  look at
it. I'm currently using the xml output of test runs through test reporter
for Cruise Control, the only modification I've made is to add assertion
counts to the report.

Thanks for the quick answers.


On 2/17/07, Bret Pettichord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Nick Sieger wrote:
> Slightly shameless plug -- you might be interested in my CI::Reporter
> [1] package that I released recently.
> [1] http://caldersphere.rubyforge.org/ci_reporter
Yes, thanks, it looks good, and i plan to install it this week.

Apparently it is the annoited successor to test-report, as indicated by
the following note.


Date: 2007-02-16 21:59
Sender: Tom Copeland < http://rubyforge.org/users/tom/>

Hi Bret -

Hm,  Alexey Verkhovsky, the project admin, asked that it be deleted...
he said that ci:reporter was a better alternative.  You might
want to contact him about it...



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