I'd like to get people's opinion/thoughts on what is the best IDE for Watir.  
What do you use for writing you Watir tests?  I've looked a t a few, but none 
of them stand out as a clear winner.  It doesn't have to be open-source, if a 
commercial tool is a good and viable solution.

Some history:  I am currently using Eclipse, but am looking for another 
solution as the workspace component in Eclipse is proving not to work for our 
project. We use Cruise for our CI and using Eclipse requires me to write code 
for Eclipse's workspace on top of our MS Solution.  Discussing this with my 
developers, we've collectively decided that it introduces a smell to our 
project.  (Unless there is a way to abolish the notion of workspace?)  Also, 
we've looked at Steel and it shows promise, but the current version is not 
fully baked.

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