I am trying to attach to a browser using title, If I am using watir, I can just 
attach to a browser using:

require 'watir'
ie = Watir::IE.attach(:title,"Google")

But, In case of firewatir, I am facing problem, i.e. when I use :
require 'firewatir'
ff = FireWatir::Firefox.attach(:title,"Google")

I am getting the below error message:
NoMethodError: undefined method `attach' for FireWatir::Firefox:Class

But, with some changes with the code I can attach to some another browser:
require 'firewatir'
ff = FireWatir::Firefox.start("www.yahoo.com")
ff_new = ff.attach(:title,"Google")

But, I don't want to open a browser, my requirement is to just attach to the 
existing browser, is there is some way of doing this, as we can do with "watir".

Please, help me out.
Thanks in advance

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