Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the April 19, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper

-- Sara Flounders

[Excerpts from the speech by Sara Flounders of the International 
Action Center to the April 7 Palestinian Right of Return 
demonstration in New York City]

Last November I had the honor to travel to Palestine with a 
delegation from the International Action Center and witness 
this heroic Intifada. Standing atop a roof in Ramallah we 
watched as Apache helicopter gunships--horrific weapons 
supplied to the Israelis by the United States government--
fired rockets and shells at civilian neighborhoods, 
destroying homes and offices.

Today I look around and can read on so many hundreds of 
placards the slogan, "USA Stop Funding Israeli Terrorism." 
This slogan goes right to the heart of the relationship 
between the U.S. government and Israeli terror.

Last week U.S. President George Bush was embracing the war 
criminal Ariel Sharon. And while he embraced Sharon he 
demanded that the Palestinian people "stop the violence."

In Gaza I saw Israeli tanks fire rounds of shells at youths 
armed only with stones. This terror force has bulldozed 
thousands of homes, uprooted tens of thousands of olive 
trees and orange trees. It has placed Palestinian cities and 
towns under a total lockdown.

Bush really means "stop the resistance" to Israeli terror 
and bow down to colonial domination.

President Bush's embrace of Sharon in Washington and the 
U.S. veto at the United Nations confirmed once again 52 
years of total political, diplomatic, military and financial 
support by the United States to the State of Israel. It is 
an admission to the world that neither justice nor peace is 
on the U.S. agenda.

U.S. domination of the entire Middle East feeds on 
instability, war and crisis. U.S. policy is completely 
bankrupt and incapable of resolving any social problem.

No peace is possible in Palestine until the totally 
justified demands of the Palestinian people for a real state 
on contiguous territory, with Jerusalem as its capital and 
with the right to return for the almost 5 million 
Palestinian refugees and in the Diaspora, is a reality.

- END -

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