Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the April 19, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Fred Goldstein

The agreement whereby China has said it will release the 24 
U.S. spies who caused the death of a Chinese pilot has left 
mixed feelings.

On the one hand, it is deeply satisfying to see the 
imperialist bullies in the White House and the Pentagon 
having to back off their arrogant, blustering, unconditional 
demand for the immediate release of their spies and spy 
plane. Those who are used to giving orders and commanding 
obedience were forced to say they were "very sorry" to the 
Chinese government and people.

On the other hand, there is anger that the Bush 
administration did not comply with China's entirely 
justified demands that it take full responsibility for this 
flagrant violation of China's sovereignty and territorial 
integrity and that the Pentagon has said nothing about 
ending its menacing and illegal spy flights.

But whatever the next phase of this ongoing struggle, the 
Bush administration and all U.S. personnel in China are 
fully aware that the seething anger there against Washington 
will not be easily put aside by any settlement and that this 
anger played a major role in pushing Bush back.

The New York Times put it bluntly on April 10 when it 
revealed that "President Bush's senior advisers have 
concluded that the most severe acts of retaliation they 
could threaten in the spy-plane stand off with China-selling 
advanced arms to Taiwan, restricting trade, derailing 
Beijing's bid for the Olympics-would not speed the release 
of the 24 American crew members and could harm longer-term 
interests in Asia."

In the same edition an article from China reported, "Zhang 
Yin, an elderly newsstand owner, recalled a song from the 
Korean War to explain his feelings about the current crisis 
with the United States: 'When friends come, we have good 
wine to entertain them; but if jackals and wolves come, 
we'll use hunting rifles to shoot them,' he sang, adding, 'I 
have good feelings for the American people, but China should 
have shot the plane down!'"

"The streets of Beijing," the article continued, "are filled 
with Mr. Zhangs," which explained why the negotiations with 
the Chinese to free the 24 crew members were "going so 

And it is not just the older generation that is aroused. "In 
one opinion poll on the Chinese Internet," wrote the Times, 
"13,000 of 15,000 net surfers said the collision was the 
result of a 'deliberate provocation.' "

The U.S. government and the Pentagon have tried to pass off 
their spy mission as being in "international territory."

But an article in the People's Daily of April 10 reprinted 
from the People's Liberation Army publication explained that 
the U.S. plane had been in China's "exclusive economic 
zone." It showed that an "exclusive economic zone" was 
defined in the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea as 
neither "territorial waters" nor "the high seas." It has its 
own legal status, which makes "freedom of overflight" 
conditional upon respecting the rights, laws and security of 
the coastal countries.

The army daily pointed out that "as early as 1950, for its 
national defense security, the United States set up a so-
called anti-aircraft identification zone outside its 
territorial airspace which extended several hundred nautical 
miles toward the Atlantic and Pacific oceans." Washington 
demanded that other countries, before sending their aircraft 
into the zones, "must inform the United States of the type 
and destination for purposes of identification, positioning 
and control.

"As the Chinese saying goes, 'The magistrates are free to 
burn down houses, while the common people are forbidden even 
to light lamps at night.' That is the 'juridical logic' of 
the United States."

Whatever the legality, the spy-plane incident is the result 
of a U.S. government provocation. The PRC has protested 
repeatedly about these incursions. According to Minxin Pei 
of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, speaking 
on PBS's "Newshour" on April 10, the U.S. flies over 200 
such flights a year against China.


This unexpected incident has caught Washington by surprise 
in the midst of preparing to execute a coordinated series of 
hostile maneuvers aimed at the PRC. The Bush administration 
is preparing to give Taiwan new generations of modern 
weapons, including Patriot missiles, anti-submarine aircraft 
and submarines. And it is threatening to also give Taiwan 
the Aegis radar and battle-command system.

It is planning to sponsor an anti-China so-called "human 
rights" resolution at the UN Human Rights Commission in 
Geneva on April 18. It has also just permitted the Dalai 
Lama, the "god-king spiritual leader" of the former serf-
owning clan aristocracy of Tibet, to travel to Taiwan to 
meet with the leaders of the Democratic Progressive Party. 
Their discussions would be about "independence" from China 
for Tibet and Taiwan.

The Dalai Lama does not speak for the Tibetan masses. He and 
his entourage of feudal monks were ousted from Tibet by the 
People's Liberation Army in 1950. The meeting in Taiwan is 
part of Washington's threat to dismember China.


But most importantly, the Bush administration is moving to 
play the Japan card against China. Bush has let it be known, 
both during his presidential campaign and in office, that 
his administration is going to upgrade its relations with 
Japanese imperialism and downgrade its relations with China.

To be sure, the Clinton administration began this shift in 
1999 when it signed the so-called defense cooperation 
guidelines to include Japanese support for U.S. military 
operations in the region.

As part of its strategic review of U.S. military policy and 
weaponry, the Bush administration has leaked plans to 
elevate its military relations with Japan, directed against 

For several years there has been a debate within the U.S. 
ruling class over relations with Japan. During the 1980s and 
1990s Washington directed most of its efforts to forcing 
Japan to open its markets for U.S. investment, autos, 
agricultural products, financial services, and so on. This 
relentless economic struggle against the Japanese capitalist 
class worked against military cooperation.

As China began to develop industrially, sections of the 
Pentagon became more and more critical, charging that 
Washington was subordinating its military preparations 
against China, and against any revolutionary development in 
Asia, to trade considerations.

Bush has given signals that he intends to move in the 
direction of an imperialist military alliance with Japan. 
According to Business Week of April 16, "Bush's military 
planners believe that U.S. defense strategy should focus 
primarily on Asia rather than Europe as the next potential 
Battle Theater. That means the White House wants Japan to 
shoulder more responsibility for regional defense." This 
means lifting the ban on expanding the Japanese military, 
joint training exercises and sharing of facilities.

Of course Washington will not go too far, for fear of 
strengthening Japanese imperialism too much. The Japanese 
monopolies have their own designs on Asia. The right-wing 
militarists in Japan are growing stronger.

Japanese imperialism is the former colonizer of China. It 
committed unspeakable atrocities against the Chinese masses, 
as well as the rest of the countries of Asia, during the 
1930s and up until 1945. In fact, the Chinese government 
recently denounced a decision by the Japanese government 
that approved a right-wing military version of history in 
junior high school textbooks. The textbooks made no mention 
of the infamous Nanking Massacre of 1937 in which 200,000 
Chinese were killed. The books described the Japanese 
invasion of China as a form of liberation from Europe and 
the U.S.

The fact that the Japanese government approved these 
textbooks is a measure of the political progress that the 
militarist and expansionist factions of the Japanese ruling 
class have made in the recent period.


It was not lost on the Chinese government that after the 
incident in which Japanese nationals were drowned when a 
Japanese fishing vessel was sunk by the U.S. submarine 
Greeneville this February, the U.S. government and the U.S. 
military profusely apologized to their imperialist allies in 
Tokyo and to the families of the dead.

This is in sharp contrast to Washington's stubborn refusal 
to apologize for the loss of the Chinese pilot and the 
destruction of a Chinese aircraft in the course of an 
illegal military intrusion.

It is only natural to view the present provocations as 
continuous with the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in 
Belgrade. In fact, the destruction of the independent 
Yugoslav government and the takeover by imperialist-
supported candidates can be regarded as the final stage in 
the counter-revolution in Europe, which now frees the U.S. 
imperialists to turn their attention fully to the East. The 
bombing of China's embassy can be viewed as the first shot 
fired across the bow by the Pentagon.

Russia may have nuclear weapons, but it is wallowing in 
bourgeois corruption and decadence and in a state of 
decline. Its military is in a shambles. Its fleet is 
corroded. It has to take a millionaire on its space launch 
to earn a measly $20 million. It is in a state of financial 

While the Pentagon will certainly not ignore Russia, the 
counter-revolution there is already accomplished. It has 
become a semi-colony. The imperialist strategists see their 
fundamental task now as fostering counter-revolution and 
recolonization in China.


One immediate reason the Bush administration modified its 
aggressive posture towards the PRC after the spy plane 
incident is that many of the Fortune 500 corporations have 
contracts in China and are in the midst of expanding 
projects and sales there. This crisis comes at a moment of 
economic downturn in the capitalist world in general--a 
downturn being led by the U.S. It is a most inopportune 
moment for the corporations to interrupt their economic 
relations with China.

Business Week of April 16, gives a good feel for these 
trepidations: " 'My one criticism of Bush so far is his 
inflexibility,' sighs one outside presidential adviser with 
strong business ties. 'Ultimately, the aim of policy is to 
let our stuff into China. Bush could apologize [for the 
death of the Chinese pilot], say this was no one's fault, 
and get on with it.' A no-fault exit from the crisis would 
obviously please U.S. multinationals."

Furthermore, negotiations with China for entry into the 
World Trade Organization are supposed to wrap up by the end 
of this month. And the multinationals, including 
agribusiness, are waiting to sweep in as Chinese tariffs are 
lowered and regulations dismantled. But these negotiations 
are dragging on and on. China is resisting many of the 
excessive U.S. demands. An escalation of the crisis could 
have led to a great setback for the U.S. multinationals had 
the WTO agreement collapsed.

But there is a much deeper reason for Bush to proceed with 
caution. Reaction in China to the Belgrade embassy bombing 
revealed the intense and widespread anti-imperialist 
sentiment that lies right under the surface among the 
masses. To be sure, they were encouraged to demonstrate by 
the government. But no government can produce the kind of 
anti-colonial rage that burst forth in 20 cities after the 
bombing. It was 150 years of foreign rule that gave the 
energy to those demonstrations. In the present crisis, this 
sentiment has resurfaced.

The Chinese leadership has pursued normal relations with the 
U.S. government in order to secure trade and technology for 
the purposes of national development. They have every right 
to do so. However, it was thought that trade and economic 
"interdependence" would neutralize or stay Washington's 

The present crisis and the anti-China military and political 
atmosphere surrounding it shows that no amount of trade, no 
economic ties can overcome the fundamental class antagonism 
between socialist China and the imperialist U.S. ruling 
class and its government.

China's market reforms have severely eroded the socialist 
foundation, created unemployment and a high degree of 
inequality. There is a growing bourgeoisie and economic 
penetration by the multinationals.

Nevertheless, the core of the socialist state, consisting of 
the Communist Party and the People's Liberation Army as well 
as significant state enterprises, remains in place.

Furthermore, the Chinese revolution and its traditions are 
easily revived among the masses. In the present crisis there 
are reports of a popular yearning for a leader like Mao 
Zedong. The possibility is there for a regeneration of the 
anti-imperialist struggle and the revival of the 
revolutionary class struggle along with a thorough-going 
reassessment of relations with the U.S. imperialists and the 
market reforms.

- END -

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