Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the April 26, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


Special to Workers World
Waynesburg, Pa.

Larry Holmes and Monica Moorehead, national leaders of 
Workers World Party, met with award-winning journalist and 
political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal on April 14 at the 
isolated SCI Greene Unit in Waynesburg, Pa. Waynesburg is 
located an hour outside of Pittsburgh.

Moorehead and Holmes, along with the late Key Martin, had 
also videotaped an interview with Abu-Jamal in March 1996 
entitled "The Prison-Industrial Complex."

Moorehead and Holmes found Abu-Jamal to be very upbeat and 
in good spirits--despite the fact that he has spent almost 
19 years on death row, is confined to a prison cell 23 hour 
a day and is subjected to the inhumane policy of sensory 

Abu-Jamal was tightly handcuffed during the non-contact 

Holmes and Moorehead spent the better part of two hours with 
Abu-Jamal discussing the anti-globalization movement, the 
impact of the recent rebellion in Cincinnati's Black 
community ignited by the racist murder of 19-year-old 
Timothy Thomas, the ongoing campaign to broaden political 
support for Abu-Jamal and much more.

Abu-Jamal gave Moorehead and Holmes an update on his legal 
situation. In early March, Abu-Jamal filed a petition in the 
United States District Court for the Eastern District of 
Pennsylvania requesting that attorneys Leonard Weinglass and 
Dan Williams be dismissed as his legal counsel due to 
"violations of client/lawyer confidentiality."

On April 6, Judge William Yohn issued a ruling stating that 
Abu-Jamal's motion for withdrawal of counsel was "ordered 
and decreed." The ruling added that the court "will not 
conduct oral argument, an evidentiary hearing, or issue an 
opinion concerning the pending petition for habeas corpus 
relief for a period of at least 30 days from the date of 
this order so that petitioner [Abu-Jamal] may have an 
opportunity for new counsel to enter an appearance."

Abu-Jamal did not receive an official copy of this ruling 
until April 13. Neither the court nor either of his former 
attorneys informed him of the ruling. He read an article 
about the ruling in the Philadelphia Inquirer earlier in the 
week. The Inquirer wrongly reported that the judge had 
allowed Abu-Jamal 60 days instead of 30 days.

Abu-Jamal told Moorehead and Holmes that it was no accident 
that the Inquirer printed this error as a conscious maneuver 
to attempt to disorient and confuse the political movement.

Political supporters of Abu-Jamal have been waiting for over 
a year for Yohn to announce a date to hear oral arguments on 
whether the death-row prisoner will be granted the right to 
have an evidentiary hearing to allow all suppressed evidence 
from his original trial to finally be heard.

In the meantime, Yohn dismissed two friend-of-the-court 
amicus briefs last year. The briefs outlined how Abu-Jamal 
was denied his constitutional right to the legal counsel of 
his choice. And it documented how his original court-
appointed lawyer, Anthony Jackson, conspired with the 
prosecutor and judge to convict Abu-Jamal for the murder of 
Daniel Faulkner, a white police officer.

These violations clearly indicate why Abu-Jamal should be 
freed. He has been denied the right to legally represent 
himself by the federal district court while he pursues a new 
legal team.


The International Action Center has initiated an encampment 
calling for the freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal in front of 
Philadelphia City Hall the weekend of May 11-13.

Activists are being encouraged to bring sleeping bags, 
tents, enough food and water for two nights and three days 
to help bring national attention to Abu-Jamal's case and its 
inextricable ties to the struggle against the death penalty, 
police brutality and other forms of racist repression.

This encampment is part of an international day of 
solidarity with Mumia Abu-Jamal. And it coincides with the 
16th anniversary of the U.S. government's terrorist bombing 
of the MOVE headquarters--a revolutionary Black 

That government firestorm slaughtered 11 women, children and 
men on May 13, 1985.

The International Action Center will be organizing Free 
Mumia anti-globalization brigades at the upcoming anti-FTAA 
protests at Quebec City to help mobilize anti-capitalist 
youth activists to come to Philadelphia for the "Free Mumia" 

- END -

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