Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the April 26, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Fred Goldstein

Whatever the immediate outcome of the Beijing talks between 
the governments of the United States and the People's 
Republic of China on the spy-plane incident, Washington is 
demonstrating its aggressive aims that underlie its policy 
towards Asia.

As the Bush administration engages in anti-China saber 
rattling while escalating its plans for U.S. militarization 
of the Pacific, the struggle against globalization must be 
expanded to oppose this growing anti-China campaign.

The Bush administration has made known its intent to follow 
up on plans laid during the Clinton administration to build 
a Theater Missile Defense system in Asia. Directed at the 
People's Republic of China and the Democratic People's 
Republic of Korea, it would include military coordination 
between the U.S., Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

Huge military contracts are in store for Lockheed, Raytheon, 
Boeing, United Technologies and the merchants of death who 
profit from war and war preparations. The Pentagon will be 
able to press China to spend precious national resources on 
military preparations instead of economic development. The 
long-term political/military goal is to strengthen U.S. 
domination, weaken the PRC and DPRK, and eventually destroy 
both of them as socialist countries.

To accomplish this, the administration is increasing 
military tensions in the region and whipping up an anti-
China campaign, just as the Clinton administration whipped 
up an anti-DPRK campaign. Poisoning the mind of the 
population here against China is how Washington justifies 
the Pentagon's belligerence; it is the way to get the masses 
to accept spending hundreds of billions on weapons systems 
when the social and economic needs of millions for housing, 
health care, pensions, education, and food are coming under 
severe pressure.

This anti-China campaign must be understood as part of the 
globalization process that has been proceeding at an 
accelerated rate in the last decade. Globalization under 
capitalism means spreading capitalist exploitation around 
the globe. But not just capitalism. It means spreading the 
rapacious, super-exploitative capitalism of the giant 
monopolies and transnational banks and corporations.

It means subordinating entire economies to the profit 
interests of these giant corporations. That is the dirty 
work that the IMF and the World Bank do on behalf of these 
transnationals. Their austerity and restructuring programs 
that demand privatization, opening up of markets, devaluing 
of currencies, setting aside of national regulations and 
economic protection, all lay the basis for the 
transnationals to come marching in.

They buy up privatized resources for a song. They destroy 
local agriculture. They set up factories and super-exploit 
cheap labor before exporting the goods. They loan money and 
collect usurious interest payments on the debt, thus 
bankrupting national treasuries. The IMF and the World Bank 
reserve the right to monitor government finances, to 
intrusively examine a country's most intimate economic and 
financial workings and pass this information on to the 
transnationals so they can better exploit the country.

But none of this can be done until they destroy the 
sovereignty of the country-its ability to resist.


In the wake of the collapse of the USSR the transnational 
corporations reaped a bonanza in their ability to expand 
imperialist globalization. With the collapse of the 
socialist bloc in the USSR and Eastern Europe, the 
governments of close to 400 million people fell. Within a 
few years European and U.S. multinationals were all over the 
region swallowing up state enterprises, setting up 
factories, plundering their resources, and turning them into 
financial vassals.

The planned economies were destroyed. Production for social 
use was a thing of the past. All consideration of the 
condition of the working class and the peasants was cast 
aside. The well being of the entire population was 
subordinated to the interests of capital. The profit motive 
became the beginning point of all production.

Wealth started flowing quickly out of Russia and Eastern 
Europe into the vaults of the globalizers. The social index 
of living conditions--life expectancy, infant mortality, 
rate of mental illness, poverty, suicide, prostitution, 
homelessness, etc., deteriorated faster in that region than 
in any other region at any time since the United Nations 
began recording such statistics.

Many of the oppressed countries around the world, 
particularly in Africa and the Middle East, which had relied 
on the USSR and Eastern European socialist camp for 
political, economic and military support to balance the 
pressure of international imperialism, were left without any 
progressive allies in the world. In the absence of such 
support, the IMF, the World Bank and the transnational 
corporations went into these countries completely unopposed.

In the 10 years beginning with 1991 there was an 
unprecedented surge of Wall Street wealth as measured in 
stock prices and profits, and an unbroken expansion of 
capitalism worldwide. This is an undeniable historical fact.

Thus the destruction of the sovereignty and the ability to 
resist of the socialist countries was the beginning point 
for an unprecedented wave of the global expansion of 
corporate rule. To be sure, the advance of 
telecommunications, computerization, transport and other 
technological developments greatly enhanced this process. 
But it could not have proceeded at all, despite all the 
technological innovations, without the destruction of the 
socialist bloc in the USSR and Eastern Europe.

This is why they want to destroy the governments of Cuba, 
the DPRK, and Vietnam, and it is why they bombed the 
government of Yugoslavia.


Behind all the anti-China demagogy of the U.S. big business 
media, the White House, the Pentagon and all the ruling-
class institutions is the deep-seated goal of doing to China 
what they did to the USSR. Only this time the goal is to 
recolonize one fifth of the human race.

Much is made of the fact that U.S. big business has a great 
deal of trade and investment tied up in the PRC. Many in the 
anti-globalization movement have pointed out that as part of 
"globalization," U.S. and other transnational corporations 
have set up factories or subcontractors in China that 
exploit workers and pay them very low wages.

Unfortunately this is true, although some of the negative 
claims are wildly exaggerated. This is an evil that the 
Chinese leadership decided to accept in order to gain access 
to modern production methods and advanced technology.

But what must be kept in mind is that this process is 
limited and controlled by the sovereign government of China. 
It has the power to impose limits or even throw the 
imperialists out at any moment, as well as to expropriate 
the domestic capitalists who are emerging.

The fundamental socialist institutions in China have been 
considerably eroded by market reforms and imperialist 
corporations have a foothold in China. But Chinese society 
as a whole is under protection from being reconquered and 
reenslaved by imperialism because of the existence of the 
Chinese Communist Party and the People's Liberation Army.

The concessions made by the PRC to the multinationals are 
dangerous. But they are insignificant compared to the global 
setback that would descend upon the entire working class of 
the world if the U.S. ruling class, the Pentagon and the CIA 
were to overthrow the PRC and reconquer all of China for the 
unchecked exploitation of the multinational corporations. 
This would subject the vast population of China to the same 
brutal dictates of the World Bank and IMF that have gutted 
the rest of the oppressed world.

The current anti-China campaign must be understood in this 
light. The great Chinese Revolution of 1949, which liberated 
a quarter of humanity from 160 years of colonial 
humiliation, has lost its revolutionary momentum and is now 
in a dangerous class compromise with domestic and 
international capitalist forces. But despite that, the 
central conquest of the revolution, the establishment of a 
state power that can resist internal full-scale counter-
revolution and imperialist military intervention, is still 
intact. It stands in the way of the IMF, the World Bank, the 
transnationals and all the forces of imperialist 

This is why the Bush administration became so enraged when 
it suddenly was confronted with the refusal of the PRC to 
return its spy crew. The fact that a heroic Chinese pilot 
challenged the mighty U.S. Navy in the service of defending 
China's national security has angered the Pentagon. And no 
less than the head of the National Association of 
Manufacturers warned the Chinese government to give back the 
spy crew.

The U.S. government and the multinational corporations, all 
their trade and investment with China notwithstanding, 
harbor the deepest class drive to destroy that central 
conquest. It stands in the way of a new historic wave of 
imperialist globalization, a new wave of plunder of the 
workers and oppressed. No greater international task faces 
the anti-globalization movement than to gain clarity on this 
question, which has been so distorted, so it can forcefully 
oppose the U.S. government's anti-China campaign.

- END -

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