Zille Huma wrote:

Hi All,
I have been wondering for sometime now that why isnt it a popular trend to store standard activities of a domain in the ontology and not only the concepts, e.g., for the tourism domain, ontologies normally contain concepts like Tourist, Resort, etc. but I have not so far come across an ontology that also contains the standard activities like searchResort, bookHotel, etc. Why is it so? What support is provided in the ontology langauges to model the standard activities of the domain as well??

This probably falls under the banner of "Semantic Web Services". There was a W3C Interest Group on this topic, http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/swsig/ but it's recently closed. You might try the mailing list anyway, http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sws-ig/ or the more general www-ws list. Hope this helps,




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