On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 6:05 PM, Dirk Balfanz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not quite following. How does this proposal stomp on people's namespace?
> If they want to serve different documents on the two domains (and can figure
> out how to do so), they can.
> Also, the question isn't really whether _we_ think it's easy or not to point
> one to the other, but whether we think that a large number of registrars
> make it unintuitive for a large number of amateurs to do so.

Yes, this is a concern for long tail-end of sites with less
professional administrators. Hosted site administrators typically do
not like to deal with DNS issues if they can afford not to.

> Dirk.
> On Nov 30, 2008 6:56 PM, "Mark Nottingham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Absolutely not. the spec is already stomping on an authority's control over
> its namespace quite enough, and it's easy for people to work around this if
> their intent is for the two to be the same.
> On 30/11/2008, at 8:55 AM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote: > (sorry for potential
> duplicates, I'm havin...
> --
> Mark Nottingham     http://www.mnot.net/


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