To all,


That is, what I can do in the time I have available is now and then pull 
available patches, combine them into a repository which at least is consistent 
for one platform (I use MacOSX), and occasionally publish the result on 
hackage. What I then would like to ask others in the wxHaskell user/developer 
community is to check (at appropriate times, before a release) whether a 'to be 
distributed version' runs on their platform. I guess it is as with others using 
wxHaskell that we work on wxHaskell when we work on an application requiring 
wxHaskell, at least that is how it happens for me. That means that I work 
irregularly on wxHaskell, and also not have time to fix arbitrary numbers of 
bugs :-).

For wxHaskell to thrive and survive in the long run, however, I think more is 
required than just keep it installable. wxWidgets itself is also further 
developed, new features being added, which all require wxHaskell C wrappers for 
wxdirect to be able to generate Haskell FFI wrappers. These are handwritten, 
therefore errorprone, subject to inconsistencies in the face of wxWidgets API 
changes, and I would very much prefer this to be automated too, but this is not 
a problem specific to wxHaskell alone. I hope that by bringing this up (to my 
students as well) that someone is willing to pick up such a larger project. 
Another issue about which I am not sure whether this needs a (thorough) review 
is garbage collection (or absence thereof) of C++ level allocated wx 
constructs, as this seems to have changed subtly over the years, causing me 
some serious headaches rewriting code relying on incorrect/changed assumptions 
w.r.t. memory management.

For the short term, on a practical level, now that the HP has moved forward to 
GHC 7.6.x, I can spend some time in the end of july - begin of august period on 
combining patches, making it work with the newest wxmac/wxWidgets release, 
etcetc. As said, I hope that at that time others can help me out checking 
whether it works on other platforms.


On  5 Jun, 2013, at 12:35 , harry <> wrote:

> There are now several forks of wxhaskell on github, with different fixes in
> each, some of which are essential to compile on the current version of HP.
> Jeremy O'Donoghue appears to have been AWOL for several months now, and the
> project will die if a new leader doesn't step up. The essential tasks of the
> project leader (at least the short-term ones) are to maintain the "official"
> repository into which all accepted fixes will be merged, and to publish new
> versions to Hackage.
> Would Atze Dijkstra be willing to take this on?
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                - Atze -

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