Hi Eric,

> On Thu, 13 Dec 2007 06:53:58 +0900, Eric Y. Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> By the way, the Makefile is still doing all this stuff when I do make
>> install :
>> out/wxdirect/wxdirect -s wxSTC-D3/stc.h --wxc wxc -o wxc
>> parsing: wxSTC-D3/stc.h
>> generating: wxc/include/stc_gen.h
>> generating: wxc/src/stc_gen.cpp
>> out/wxdirect/wxdirect -s wxSTC-D3/stc.h --wxc wxc -o wxc
>> parsing: wxSTC-D3/stc.h
>> generating: wxc/include/stc_gen.h
>> generating: wxc/src/stc_gen.cpp
>> /usr/bin/g++-4.0 [snip] -install_name 
>> /usr/local/wxhaskell/lib/libwxc-mac2.6.3-0.10.1.dylib

I fixed that problem by latest my patch.

And I noted that there is no alternative solution for that problem.
So I used previous mail's way.

Best Regards,

On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 01:40:56 +0900, shelarcy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The annoying thing about this is that if I do sudo make install, the
>> next time I run make, it fails because it can't overwrite the library.
>> I either have to sudo rm the file, or sudo make clean.  Do you think
>> you could have a look as to why?
> I think stc.cpp's definition is cause of this problem.
> stc.cpp includes stc_gen.cpp and stc_gen.cpp isn't in WXC-CORE.
> // stc.cpp
> extern "C"
> {
> #include "stc_gen.cpp"
> // makefile
>       (snip)
>       mediactrl printout previewframe taskbaricon textstream stc
> So stc.cpp requires to generate stc_gen.cpp, and "make" do that. Then
> stc_gen.cpp is updated, so "make" recompile stc.cpp and build wxc library
> again.
> I changed makefile to remove wxstc from wxc building process, but wxc
> doesn't change behaviour. So I thought above.
> I think one solution is comment out or remove stc file generation part,
> and undo your below previous patch to include auto-generated file.
> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.wxhaskell.general/261
> I think this is a reasonable solution. Because we generate file using
> wxSTC-D3's header currently. We can't use wxSTC's original header file.
> http://www.mail-archive.com/wxhaskell-users@lists.sourceforge.net/msg00068.html
> And wxHaskell already includes a few auto-generated files. make doesn't
> includes generation stage for those files, so we don't care about they
> are auto-generated file now.

shelarcy <shelarcy    hotmail.co.jp>

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