Eric Kow wrote:
> The wxHaskell docs mention a shell script called macosx-app, but it
> got lost in our big build system cleanup.
> Now we have a replacement.  Andy Gimblett's cabal-macosx package
> provides - Cabal hooks to build an app bundle - a very thin CLI
> wrapper called 'macosx-app'
> The latter is intended for use with little one-off applications too
> small to merit Cabalisation.  You should be able to use it the same
> way as the old shell script.
> The CLI is currently on GitHub only at the moment, but I think Andy
> is planning to upload it to Hackage :-)
> We might want to consider having the wx package depend on
> cabal-macosx, although this isn't strictly speaking necessary 

Awesome! I'm using both already, with a macosx-app script that I had 
pilfered from a StackOverflow thread. Great that it's included in the 
cabal package now.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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