FYI - This is tangential, but I have used Dialogblocks to generate C code.
The C code is close enough that I wrote a perl script to to turn it into a Wxperl . The perl code is fairly simple to write and you can customize it to generate Wxperl apps to suite your own taste (eg automatically generating all the callbacks as stubs and
putting references to them in a hash is favorite of mine )

Tried WxGlade - its OK, but Julian Smart's Dialogblocks is much more complete and intuitive. The extra step to generate the wxperl is good for you anyway ;-)

We're old timer perltk here, so the next step we've taken is to abstract the wxperl widgets
into a module so they are all 1 liners with the few parameters that we vary
as args - all the rest is either in the module or a config module of constants.
Don't even think about sizers anymore.

Beginning to look a lot like perltk isn't it - oops  ;-)

wxpanel->new( align =>  'v', name =>  'topPanel', parent =>  'TOP', expand=>  1, 
stretch =>  0, background =>  redbuttonLabelColor);
        wxpanel->new(align =>  'h',name =>  'topWellPanel',parent =>'topPanel',expand 
=>  1,stretch =>  0);
                wxlabel->new(name =>  'datasourceText',parent =>  'topWellPanel',label=>  
"Data Source:",style =>  wxALIGN_RIGHT,width=>100,height=>16);
                wxtextctrl->new(name =>  'datasourceTextCtrl',parent 
=>'topWellPanel',width =>  100);
                wxcombobox->new(name =>  'datasourceComboBox',parent 
=>'topWellPanel',choices =>  \...@functions,style =>  wxCB_DROPDOWN|wxCB_READONLY,
                  callback_text =>  sub {
                        print $widgets{wxComboBox}{functionComboBox}->GetValue() . 
                wxbutton->new(name =>  'dataSourceSelectButton',parent 
=>'topWellPanel',label =>  "Select...");

        wxpanel->new(align =>  'h',name =>  'topWellPanel',parent =>'topPanel',expand 
=>  1,stretch =>  0);
                wxlabel->new(name =>  'functionText',parent =>  'topWellPanel',label 
                wxcombobox->new(name =>  'functionComboBox',parent 
=>'topWellPanel',choices =>  \...@functions,style =>  wxCB_DROPDOWN|wxCB_READONLY,
                  callback_text =>  sub {
                        print $widgets{wxComboBox}{functionComboBox}->GetValue() . 
                wxbutton->new(name =>  'runButton',parent =>  'topWellPanel',label 

If anyone is interested , we'll post the modules in few months once they're 

On 7/15/2010 5:15 AM, Johan Vromans wrote:
herbert breunung<>  writes:

i think another on is to use

Yes, it is very clarifying to use explicit package names,


advantages: no fuzz with importing or not importing ->  portable code
I must object.

What you call 'no fuzz with importing' is, in fact, placing a booby
trap under your code. Calling subroutines with&  is explictly advised
against, and with reason.

-- Johan

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