Kartik Thakore wrote:


I am attempting to make a Padre::Plugin::SDL. The idea is you can write
SDL commands and the surface is drawn in a WxDCBuffer. Before I get to
this I am attempting to make a simple WxPerl and SDLPerl application. I
am following this tutorial. http://code.technoplaza.net/wx-sdl/part1/

Thanks for doing this! I wanted to do it myself, but never got the tuits...

I am getting stuck with how to convert the Wx C code to Perl.

Here is what I have so far: http://paste.scsys.co.uk/47905

For some reason the OnRun() sub doesn't seem to be called. I will
appreciate all help. And if anyone wants to help make the
Padre::Plugin::SDL please contact us at sdl-de...@perl.org .

There is no OnRun in wxPerl (and there is no need for OnInit either); you can just derive from Wx::SimpleApp and put all the OnInit/OnRun code right before the call to MainLoop.


P.S.: I'm not sure you need the additional Wx::IdleEvent, YMMV

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