I have a large data set that I wanted represented on a Wx::Grid control using 
the Wx::PlGridTable as the interface between the table and the data objects.  
I've overloaded the GetAttr function for my table since I have some processing 
I needed done on the attributes based on the data.

The problem is that the GetAttr function is never called when the grid is 
painted.  As a result all of the attributes for all of the cells are simply the 
defaults (white background, writable, black foreground, text editor).

Here is a snippet of my code, have I done somthing wrong?

package MyGridTable;

use strict;
use Carp qw( cluck carp croak confess );
use Data::Dumper;

use Wx;
use base qw( Wx::PlGridTable );
use Wx qw( :everything );

sub new
    my($class) = @_;
    my $this = $class->SUPER::new;
    return $this;


sub GetAttr
    my ($this, $row, $col, $kind) = @_;
    my $attr = new Wx::GridCellAttr();
#  ... do things to attribute based on data object
    return $attr;


Later in the code this is assigned to the grid in this manner...

my $gridTable = new MyGridTable();
$grid->SetTable( $gridTable, 1 );

Any help would be appreciated.

Brian Jones

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