Hi Mark,

This may not strictly be a Wx::perl issue, but as the module had your name
on it, I thought I'd copy the other WXP-ers.

I'm trying to install an old copy of Wx::PdfDocument from cpan.  The Source
is 2006 and everything has changed, but in order to try to create a pdf doc,
I thought maybe I could resurect it.

It uses Wx::XSP::Driver.pm, but I can only find Wx::Overload::Driver.pm with
your name and mugshot (hat and cigar included) where was the photo taken?
There is also build::Wx::XSP::Overload.  That's quite a lot of similar

Are the two ::Drivers.pm the same?  So maybe I'll just try it and see.

Anyhow any advice you have would be welcome.  

And I'm sure we'd all like to hear about the hat :)




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