Hi Mark,

Well the Client decide to take his daughter to Wet'n'Wild for Easter, so the
deadline is delayed for now at least.

Additionally, PDF::API2, did not have a $pdf->AddDC($dc) type of method, so
I was unable to use that idea.  In the meantime I was able to hack
richtextprint.cpp by hard-coding:

 if (page == 1)
        // Draw bitmap header.
        wxImage::AddHandler( new wxPNGHandler );
        wxImage image =
        wxBitmap bitmap(image);
        dc->DrawBitmap( bitmap, 1, 1 );

into the RenderPage method, which gives me headers (and footers) for the
demo, but not PDFs for saving to USBs and emailing.  I'll build a Wx::Config
way of passing the real file names.  So I'll be OK for the demo anyway and I
have more time for the PDFs.  

If your offer of doing an initial wraps of wxPdfDocument still stands, then
I would gratefully take you up on it.

If not, then cool, I'll think about how else it could be done.



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