Hi Guys,

I started to talk about this on Perl Monks, you may have seen it here:


An anonymous monk posted some code that showed just about every call to Wx leaking a scalar or two. I've played about with the posted code and there is a copy attached to this email.

The main part of the code, here:

        $count1 =  Devel::Leak::NoteSV($handle);
            my $f=Wx::Frame->new( undef ,-1,"goner" );
            my $p=Wx::Panel->new (undef ,-1 );
            #my $b=Wx::Button->new ( $f ,-1 );
            #my $t=Wx::TextCtrl->new($f, -1, "");

        $count2 =  Devel::Leak::CheckSV($handle);

seems to show that if you do not ->Destroy a Wx object, it will not go out of scope naturally and even if you do destroy a Wx::Frame object, it will not go out of scope. The monk also tried Weaken and undef, with the same results.

Please have a look at this and make sure that I have not (or the Anonymous Monk has not), made some fundamental error.

I have checked it both in 2.8.11 and 3.0.2 with the same results.

I look forward to hearing your feedback,



Attachment: perl_Leak_Mem_v2.pl
Description: Perl program

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