Hello Guys,

Well I'm still here. For the last two years I've been hung up with supplier management and Brazilian importation. Plus we've just moved house in the UK and you may have noticed the annual festivities as well. However, New Year, New Year's resolutions!

I care about wxPerl and the last few years have seen a drastic decline in its usage.

It seems to me that it could be revived with a bit of a joint effort.

wxPerl, wx and perl are all fairly fairly long in the tooth. But languages are driven by the requirements to use them. We all probably remember when the Human genome project saved Perl and breathed life back into it. Although Perl is no longer a top ranking language, many websites are still authored in it. Many developing countries also use Perl extensively, because it is easy to pick up and has an extensive and helpful community. This still makes Perl attractive.

wxWidgets has a good track record but really needs some more platform and gesture support to make it sexier.

Which bring us to wxPerl.

I subscribe to a number of mailing groups and have done for a few years. I have 3,800 wxPerl emails in my wxPerl folder since about 2008. Over the same time I have received 19,144 wx-Users emails for the c++ mailing list. But this pales in comparison the number of people interested in video. For this I have:

- gstreamer - 32,325 emails
- ffmpeg - 38,812 emails
- linux media 31,601 emails

Apart from a few people coding in Python, that's over 100,000 emails from and to people struggling with c++ and trying to get their video apps to work, and I'm sure there are more. wxWidgets wraps a number of cross platform controls and then wxPerl wraps those. But there is no reason that we should not try to wrap directly to a video package directly, for instance gstreamer, and circumnavigate wxWidgets entirely. It would then be up to them to catch up.

This would give the authors of those emails a quick and easy way of getting their video apps working and could make this list a lot more active.

And that's just video. I'm sure there are large numbers of people doing other things which could be incorporated into wxPerl.

I would love to hear your views and ideas.  Maybe we could team up.



On 01/01/16 17:36, James Lynes wrote:

I see you got an overwhelming response to your post.

Is anyone still using wxPerl? The only response I got to my last couple of questions came from Steve.


On Sat, Dec 26, 2015 at 9:57 AM, Johan Vromans <jvrom...@squirrel.nl <mailto:jvrom...@squirrel.nl>> wrote:

    On Mon, 5 Jan 2015 14:54:35 -0500
    James Lynes <jmlyne...@gmail.com <mailto:jmlyne...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    > Great, but what needs to be done long term?

    I don't know. I'm about to stop caring for several reasons
    including age,
    health, personal circumstances, and the lack of support from others.

    If anyone wants to continue the wxPerl domains and the wiki it is
    now to
    time to step forward.

    Likewise CitrusPerl and the Cava Packager, two tools geared
    towards wxPerl
    support but unfortunately abandoned.

    -- Johan

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