Hi Guys,

There is a lot of stuff on the wiki. (See here http://wiki.wxperl.nl/Main_Page).

How to structure a good wxPerl GUI? (Possibly an existing GUI design text) - Do you mean a development guide? I don't know of a good one. Herbert started to write one but I don't know how far he got.
    Installing wxPerl and wxWidgets
        -    There is a good page on the Wiki.
    A tutorial on the wxPerl widgets and Sizers.
- Sizers and their variety have always seemed problematic to me, especially all the flags they come with. In top of that we have parents which, if they conflict with your parent sizer's panel send everything wrong!
    Extending your wxPerl GUI to a complete application.
- I think we all create own architectures and that is probably a large duplication of effort.
    Advanced topics in wxPerl(Wrapping external libraries)
- there is a partial write up of this on the wiki, called NewClass.pod.
    Reference to wxPerl wxVARIOUS_DEFINED_TERMS available for use
- Have you tried perl Makefile.PL --help. It doesn't give you a great deal, but here it is:

~/wxPerl$ perl Makefile.PL --help
Usage: perl Makefile.PL [options]
  --enable/disable-foo where foo is one of: dnd filesys grid help
                       html mdi print xrc stc docview calendar datetime
  --help               you are reading it
  --mksymlinks         create a symlink tree
  --extra-libs=libs    specify extra linking flags
  --extra-cflags=flags specify extra compilation flags

  --[no-]wx-debug      [Non-] debugging wxWidgets
  --[no-]wx-unicode    [Non-] Unicode wxWidgets
  --[no-]wx-mslu       [Non-] MSLU wxWidgets (Windows only)

There doesn't seem to be the same for Alien, although there is a page for wxWidgets, here: https://wiki.wxwidgets.org/WxWidgets_Build_Configurations

What would you like to see see to make wxPerl be fit for another decade?



On 03/01/16 20:19, James Lynes wrote:

I agree. My journey would have been shorter and more enjoyable with a good "Learning wxPerl" text. I think that the wxDemo is a good tool, but I found that, for a beginner, the glue code used to tie all the widgets into a neat package tended to obscure what was going on, which is why I broke out many of the widgets into separate example programs available on the wiki.(If I rewrote the examples today there are certainly things that could be cleaned up...learning curve).

The wxBook is good, but it took me quite a while to translate the C++ syntax into wxPerl. Today I can use the wxBook or the wxWidgets docs and translate pretty quickly, but it took way too long to get there. What I've still found missing is information on extending the GUI into a complete application. I do have a small working application using wxPerl with Perl Threads, but I'm sure there are other ways to structure the non-GUI portions of larger applications.

So, I guess the problem has at least six levels:

Nice to see a little discussion started.
So again, what needs to be done long term...


On Sat, Jan 2, 2016 at 7:16 PM, Ron Grunwald <ron...@yahoo.com.au <mailto:ron...@yahoo.com.au>> wrote:

    Good morning all,

    I use WxPerl and intend to keep using it for a long time to come.
    However, I am only a beginner with WxPerl. Most of my GUI
    programming experience comes from PerlTk.

    One of the things I’ve always missed about WxPerl is a good
    introductory book. PerlTk has the O’reilly “Learning Perl/Tk” book
    by Nancy Walsh, which I find invaluable. Imagine if an equivalent
    “Learning WxPerl” book existed.

    I believe the German programmer, Herbert Breunung, contemplated
    writing such a book, but I don’t know what the current state is.
    My personal view is that WxPerl still has a lot to offer but needs
    to be more appealing to introductory GUI programmers.

    Kind Regards.

    Ron Grunwald
    ron...@yahoo.com.au <http://ron...@yahoo.com.au>

    On 2/01/16 1:36 AM, "James Lynes" <jmlyne...@gmail.com
    <http://jmlyne...@gmail.com>> wrote:


        I see you got an overwhelming response to your post.

        Is anyone still using wxPerl? The only response I got to my
        last couple of questions came from Steve.


        On Sat, Dec 26, 2015 at 9:57 AM, Johan Vromans
        <jvrom...@squirrel.nl <http://jvrom...@squirrel.nl>> wrote:

            On Mon, 5 Jan 2015 14:54:35 -0500
            James Lynes <jmlyne...@gmail.com
            <http://jmlyne...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            > Great, but what needs to be done long term?

            I don't know. I'm about to stop caring for several reasons
            including age,
            health, personal circumstances, and the lack of support
            from others.

            If anyone wants to continue the wxPerl domains and the
            wiki it is now to
            time to step forward.

            Likewise CitrusPerl and the Cava Packager, two tools
            geared towards wxPerl
            support but unfortunately abandoned.

            -- Johan

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