Hi James,

I¹ve included a chapter titled ³Structure of a wxPerl program² in the
introductory Part I, which will describe how to access widgets from an
inherited Wx::Frame object.

I think using the ³my $widget = ³ syntax to describe the widgets in Part II
is more appropriate because the emphasis should be on the widgets rather
than the assignment of the objects.



On 20/01/16 3:23 AM, "James Lynes" <jmlyne...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ron:
> Good comment. I can go either way.
> I originally had it as my $radiobox = , but I changed it to the hash syntax
> when I remembered how much modification I had to do when I needed to pass an
> object to another module. Then I understood why some of the examples I was
> looking at used the hash syntax.
> Maybe in the Intro there could be a section on "simple" vs hash syntax? You're
> gonna get there sooner or later.
> Also, my proposed format should have included a brief description section.
> James
> On Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 9:39 AM, Ron Grunwald <ron...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
>> Hi James,
>> Thank you for your attempt at developing a style for describing the widgets.
>> I havn¹t spent any real time on this, but what you¹ve provided below looks
>> very reasonable to me.
>> I do have a small critique, however, if I may. Since the book is aimed at
>> introductory wxPerl programming, the use of ³$self->{radiobox}² seems a
>> little frightening. Personally, I would prefer a simpler syntax like,
>>     my $radiobox = Wx::RadioBox->new( $parent, ... );
>> Kind Regards,
>> Ron.
>> On 19/01/16 6:10 AM, "James Lynes" <jmlyne...@gmail.com
>> <http://jmlyne...@gmail.com> > wrote:
>>> Ron & Steve:
>>> Here's an initial shot at a format for documenting a widget. As I remember
>>> the wxWidgets 2.8 pdf documentation was 2500+ pages, so we need to not get
>>> overly ambitious. I have no idea if all of the Member Functions that are
>>> listed in the wxWidgets HTML docs are actually wrapped.
>>> In the example below, it is assumed that $self is the parent frame created
>>> elsewhere in the app.
>>> Comments/additions? Everyone's coding style will probably vary.
>>> James
>>> wxRadioBox (A wxControl)
>>> --------------------------------------
>>>     Usage
>>>     ---------
>>>     my @boxes = qw(One Two Three Four Five);
>>>     my $cols = 3;
>>>     $self->{radiobox} = Wx::RadioBox->new($self, wxID_ANY,
>>>                    "RadioBox", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
>>>                    \@boxes, $cols, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS);
>>>     $self->{selection} = $self->{radiobox}->GetStringSelection;
>>>     Styles
>>>     ---------
>>>     Events
>>>     ----------
>>>     Member Functions
>>>     --------------------------
>>>     Enable, FindString, GetColumnCount, GetItemFromPoint,
>>>     GetItemHelpText, GetItemToolTip, GetRowCount, IsItemEnabled,
>>>     IsItemShown, SetItemHelpText, SetItemToolTip, SetSelection,
>>>     Show, GetCount, GetString, SetString, GetSelection, GetStringSelection
>>>     Notes
>>>     --------
>>>     Item numbers start at 0.
>>>     The first item in the @boxes list is the default selection.
>>> On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 10:19 AM, Steve Cookson - gmail
>>> <steveco.1...@gmail.com <http://steveco.1...@gmail.com> > wrote:
>>>>  Hi Ron,
>>>>  Thanks for this.
>>>> On 17/01/16 12:53, Ron Grunwald wrote:
>>>>> 1. Introduction to GUI programming and wxPerl
>>>>> 2. The wxPerl widgets (currently worked on in the design doc.)
>>>>> 3. Geometry management in wxPerl (to be worked on next in the design doc.)
>>>>> 4. Event handling in wxPerl
>>>>> 5. Advanced Topics
>>>>> 6.  
>>>>  Is Geometry Management the same as layout?  If so I had to do a double
>>>> take to work out what it meant.
>>>>  Maybe we should also have something about platforms and installation,
>>>> which is always a joy!  It could be an appendix if you wanted, so that the
>>>> flow of the chapters was not disrupted.
>>>>  Regards
>>>>  Steve.

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