A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2017/01/16 16:47
Browser     : Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/1.2~bl; 
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Old Revision: http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/events:start?rev=1484056869
New Revision: http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/events:start
Edit Summary: ↷ Links adapted because of a move operation
User :
@@ -138,9 +138,9 @@
http://bilder.lugv.at/v/LinuxDay/ld-2015/bilder-domenig/CD3_9679.jpg.html?g2_imageViewsIndex=1 ==== Hobby & Elektronik, Stuttgart, Germany (2015-11-19 - 2015-11-22) ====
- Stuttgart's [[http://www.lug-s.org/|Linux User Group]] will have a booth at the 
[[http://www.messe-stuttgart.de/hobby/|Hobby & Elektronik]] fair again and will 
present<del> [[wiki:advanced:tce:install|X2Go-TCE]] and the 
[[doc:deployment-stories:electronic-glovebox|Electronic Glovebox]], amongst</del> other 
+ Stuttgart's
[[http://www.lug-s.org/|Linux User Group]] will have a booth at the 
[[http://www.messe-stuttgart.de/hobby/|Hobby & Elektronik]] fair again and will 
present<del> [[wiki:advanced:tce:install|X2Go-TCE]] and the 
[[doc:success-stories:electronic-glovebox|Electronic Glovebox]], amongst</del> other 
Update: While the actual event will take place, as of now it looks as if no member of the X2Go team will be present and there might not be any X2Go demo systems at all. We apologize for the inconvenience. @@ -204,9 +204,9 @@ ==== 2014 ==== ==== Hobby & Elektronik, Stuttgart, Germany (2014-11-20 - 2014-11-23) ====
- Stuttgart's [[http://www.lug-s.org/|Linux User Group]] had a booth at the 
[[http://www.messe-stuttgart.de/hobby/|Hobby & Elektronik]] fair and presented 
[[wiki:advanced:tce:install|X2Go-TCE]] and the 
[[doc:deployment-stories:electronic-glovebox|Electronic Glovebox]], amongst other 
+ Stuttgart's [[http://www.lug-s.org/|Linux User Group]] had a booth
at the [[http://www.messe-stuttgart.de/hobby/|Hobby & Elektronik]] fair and 
presented [[wiki:advanced:tce:install|X2Go-TCE]] and the 
[[doc:success-stories:electronic-glovebox|Electronic Glovebox]], amongst other 
 (Hover over the pictures for an explanation of what you see ...)
{{:events:big_tux_on_top_x2go_posters_on_wall.jpg?300|Big Tux on top, posters explaining X2Go use cases on the wall.}}
 {{:events:booting_up_the_fanless_thinclients.jpg?300|Booting up the X2Go-TCE 
ThinClients ...}}

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