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Date        : 2017/02/09 11:49
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Old Revision: http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/events:start?rev=1486640906
New Revision: http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/events:start
Edit Summary: [2017] Update: CLT Booth & Talk confirmed (previous commit was a case of 
"premature Enteration")
User        : stefanbaur

@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
   * TUEBIX 2017 - Date TBD
   * Linux Expo Ulm 2017 - Date TBD (2017-05-06, maybe?)
   * LITA 2017 - 2017-04-22 (Date confirmed, no confirmed participation yet)
- === Chemnitzer LinuxTage, Chemnitz, Germany (2017-03-11/2017-03-12)
+ ==== Chemnitzer LinuxTage, Chemnitz, Germany (2017-03-11/2017-03-12) ====
   * Talk confirmed (re-run of the one from LinuxDay.AT 2016, with some minor 
   * Booth confirmed
(Volunteers are Stefan, Juri, Uwe possibly another co-worker of them - Felix)
==== Radio Interview (in German), Radio Free FM, Ulm (2017-02-12, 13:00h - 15:00h) ====

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