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Date        : 2017/01/26 13:56
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New Revision: http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:x2goclient-file-sharing
Edit Summary: [Running the Session] User : stefanbaur

@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@
 === Locate your Shared Folders ==
Inside the ''media'' folder are several sub-folders, one of them is named ''disk''. Navigate there.
- Inside the ''disk'' folder, you will see every mounted shared folder, the 
name always starting with ''_cygdrive''. Note that folder names are 
abbreviated, so in our example, ''C:\Users\WindowsUserAccount\Downloads'' 
becomes ''_cygdrive_C_Users_WINDOW1_DOWNLO1''.
+ Inside the
''disk'' folder, you will see every mounted shared folder, the name always 
starting with ''_cygdrive_''. Note that folder names are abbreviated, so in our 
example, ''C:\Users\WindowsUserAccount\Downloads'' becomes 
=== Compare Folder Contents ===
You can now navigate to one of the shared folders and access it like it was a local folder. All changes will be replicated instantly. Note that on the Linux side, you will always see file extensions (like ''.bmp'' in our example) as well as files that may be present, but hidden from you due to system settings on the Windows side. This behavior can be changed on the Windows side and is not specific to X2Go. Default behavior of Windows is to hide known file extensions as well as entire files with file system attributes ''hidden'' and/or ''system''.

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