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Date        : 2017/01/26 14:43
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New Revision: http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:x2goclient-file-sharing
Edit Summary: [Manually mounting Shared Folders on Demand] User : stefanbaur

@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@
 If you set X2GoClient to minimize into the system tray (any of the ''Hide...'' 
options in the screenshot above), then:
{{:doc:howto:filesharing-12.png|}} - Right-click the session icon next to the clock, select the session name (in our example: ''MATE-FileSharing text''), then ''Share folder ...''.
+ Right-click the session icon next to the clock, select the session name (in 
our example: ''MATE-FileSharing test''), then
''Share folder ...''.
{{:doc:howto:filesharing-13.png|}} If, instead, you have the X2GoClient window on your screen even with an active connection (noticeable by the two X2Go-related items in your taskbar, as highlighted by the two red arrows in the screenshot), click on the small ''folder icon'', that's the left of the three icons ''Folder'', ''Pause'', ''Power'' marked in the red box in the screenshot.

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