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Date        : 2017/01/26 15:01
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New Revision: http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:x2goclient-file-sharing
Edit Summary: [Adding Shared Folders] - added yet another linebreak and a TLDR 
User        : stefanbaur

@@ -37,14 +37,17 @@
Make sure you've checked the ''Automount'' checkbox as well as the one that says ''Use SSH port forwarding...''. The latter should be enabled by default. <note tip>If you decide against automounting, see [[doc:howto:x2goclient-file-sharing#manually_mounting_shared_folders_on_demand|Manually mounting Shared Folders on Demand]] below for manual mounting instructions.</note>
 <note important>Unless
you really know what you are doing, do **not** un-check ''Use SSH port 
forwarding...'' for Folder Sharing, especially if you're a beginner and are 
trying to get your first connection with Folder Sharing working.  While the 
connection will still be encrypted due to the use of SSH on the reverse 
connections, it will likely cause problems that result in Folder Sharing not 
working at all.
+ //In theory,// it should be possible to un-check this box if there is no firewall or NAT routing between the Windows client and the Linux server. Note that //firewall// in this case refers to **both** hardware firewalls build into routers or bridges, as well as to software firewalls running on the Windows Client - like the built-in one that comes with every Windows since Windows XP ServicePack 2, or one belonging to an Internet Security Suite you might be running, and/or on the Linux Server, like ''iptables''. //In reality,//, though, we've seen it fail more often than not, even when these
conditions were met.
The one reason why you might want to un-check it is a slight performance increase due to saving some overhead, especially when running over a VPN connection (wrapping TCP in TCP, just to wrap it in TCP again is of course less than ideal), but at present, it just isn't worth the additional setup and debug effort for the average user. + + **TL;DR:** If you don't have the faintest idea what the above paragraphs mean, don't uncheck that box.
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