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Edit Summary: [Chemnitzer LinuxTage, Chemnitz, Germany (2017-03-11/2017-03-12)] 
 - added image
User        : stefanbaur

@@ -28,8 +28,9 @@
   * Note that attending this event is free, but requires advance registration: 
 here to register]]
===== Past Events =====
 ==== Chemnitzer LinuxTage, Chemnitz, Germany (2017-03-11/2017-03-12) ====
+ {{ :events:20170312_165538.jpg?direct&600 |}}
   * The talk was mostly a re-run of the one from LinuxDay.AT 2016,
with some minor updates and a quick live demo of DLL hijacking on Windows - see 
   * The booth was staffed by Stefan, Juri, and Uwe - see 
[[https://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2017/de/programm/beitrag/287|here]] for the 
description (in German)
   * Stefan #1 also acted as "field reporter" for Radio free FM, with CLT's 
Ralph Sontag as guest.
 ==== Radio Interview (in German), Radio free FM, Ulm (2017-02-12, 13:00h - 
15:00h)  ====

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