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Date        : 2017/04/11 16:31
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Edit Summary: [X2Go: The Gathering 2017, Location: most likely at Linuxhotel, 
Essen, Germany 2017-09-22 to 2017-09-24, subject to change)]  - Status update 
User        : stefanbaur

@@ -13,8 +13,10 @@
 ==== X2Go: The Gathering 2017, Location: most likely at Linuxhotel, Essen, 
Germany 2017-09-22 to 2017-09-24, subject to change) ====
 <columns 75% ->
 <note important>Attention, date has been rescheduled from June to September! Stay 
tuned for updates!</note>
+   * Linuxhotel has confirmed that we could gather there on this date
+   * we are currently evaluating one
other location - [[http://www.shackspace.de|shackspace]], Stuttgart, Germany - 
if they are open to hosting our event as well (we'll find out around 
2017-04-20), we'll compare travel and accomodation costs (in case of 
Shackspace, we would have to rent regular hotel rooms in the vicinity, but most 
of our German participants would have significantly lower travel costs and 
could stay longer, due to decreased travel time)
==== TUEBIX 2017, Tuebingen, Germany (2017-06-24) ====
   * Date confirmed, still waiting for the CfP

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