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Date        : 2017/09/17 17:31
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New Revision: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/events:x2go-gathering-2017
Edit Summary: First part of a huge update as the date is getting closer ...
User        : stefanbaur

@@ -13,56 +13,29 @@
 Three-day event at Treuchtlingen. This is a "work and play" gathering.
 <columns 75% ->
 <note important>Germany's Federal Parliamentary Elections are scheduled for Sunday, 
2017-09-24. If you're eligible to vote, we kindly ask you to cast your vote by postal vote 
on or before 2017-09-20.</note>
- ===== Treuchtlingen Info =====
- * Accommodation takes place at Treuchtlingen's
-   * Pro: Site is a lot closer to quite a few core team members -> We could 
extend the event by a few hours
-   * Pro: New evening entertainment options for recurring visitors
-   * Con: Travel situation for international travelers might be less convenient
- - ==== Pricing Information ==== - - ^ ^Treuchtlingen Single-Bed Bedroom^Treuchtlingen 1 bed in 2-bed bedroom^
- |Accommodation|56,00 EUR|69,00 EUR|
- |Breakfast|incl.|incl.|
- |Lunch|tbd|tbd|
- |Dinner|tbd|tbd|
- |**Total**|**tbd**|**tbd**|
- - **Additional costs: We have been provided a cost-free meeting room by the City of Treuchtlingen; if we don't have enough cars available, we might need to call taxis for the transfer.** - - Please note that the 2-bed bedroom is indeed more expensive per person than the single room, unlike in the previous years at Linuxhotel. This is due to the 2-bed bedrooms being newly renovated. - - **For those of you signing up for
accommodation, the following rules are part of the deal:**
+ **For those of you that signed up for accommodation, the following rules are 
part of the deal:**
- If you become sick, then please stay at home. Let us know ASAP so we can cancel your reservation/reassign your room.
   - If you've had recent contact with someone that has some contagious 
disease, and you are not 100% sure that you're immune - please, stay at home as 
well, and let us know ASAP so we can cancel your reservation/reassign your room.
   - If you know that someone has a contagious disease, and you've signed up 
for our event, please do not seek physical contact with that person before the 
event.  If you have anything that needs to be discussed because you need it for 
the event, use e-mail, phone calls, whatever, but don't visit each other, the 
reason being rule #2.
   - Reservations cancelled less than 10 days before the event may mean we 
still have to charge you, if we cannot fill your spot with someone
else. Of course, we will do our best to avoid this.
   - If you have any dietary requirements (vegetarian, vegan, no pork, no 
alcohol, ...), please let us know when you sign up so we can prepare everything 
in advance.  Same goes for any food allergies or other medical conditions that 
we should know of.
- **Sign-Up Deadline: 2017-09-08** - - **Cost-Free Cancellation Deadline: 2017-09-12** - - //Please sign up ASAP if you intend to attend - we only have a limited amount of beds reserved in advance - first come, first serve. If we're exceeding that number, we run the risk of being unable to accommodate you.//
- Currently available: 0 out of 10 single rooms, 1 out of 1 double room.
- - To register, or to submit a talk/workshop proposal, simply send an eMail to: [[x2go-m...@baur-itcs.de]]
+ ** We're past the registration deadline for hotel beds. If you still want to 
sign up, you can give it a try by E-Mailing [[x2go-m...@baur-itcs.de]] and 
we'll se what we can do, but we can't
promise anything. If you have your own accomodation, it's easier to shoehorn 
you in on short notice, but you still need to register with us via 
[[x2go-m...@baur-itcs.de]]. **
==== Vereinsgründung - what's this? ==== Note that we're planning to found a "eingetragener Verein", a non-profit legal entity under German law, with the intent of distributing donation money among all interested F/LOSS Remote Desktop/Remote Application projects. If you're interested in participating, make sure you can be around on Friday, September 22. You need to bring a photo ID and some means of proving your residential address (e.g. a utility bill), if it is not listed on your ID. + ==== Entertainment Options ====
+ For those of you arriving earlier or staying longer than the duration of the 
event, the following entertainment options might be of interest to you:
   * [[http://www.altmuehltherme.de/|Spa]]
   * [[http://miniaturland-pappenheim.de/|Model Railroad]]
-   * Tour of Treuchtlingen
City, medieval themed
+ ==== Important ToDos ====
-   * Check carpooling options for Treuchtlingen
-   * Check dinner/lunch options for Treuchtlingen
-     * Option to bring own food?
-     * Option to BBQ?
+ * Stefan needs to bring:
     * Two plungers (don't ask ...)
     * Two or more keyboards with built-in card readers
     * At least one USB card reader
@@ -70,22 +43,22 @@
     * preferably TC and VPN hardware as well
   * h1 needs to bring:
     * OpenPGP cards
     * USB media (alternative to cards)
- ===== Responsibilities ===== * planning and preparation - //Stefan Baur// * rebates, local sponsors, recreational activites - Heinz-M. Graesing
-   * carpool KA-S-UL-(A?)-Treuchtlingen - //Mihai Moldovan//
+   * carpool - //Mihai Moldovan//
+ ===== Sponsoring ===== - As always, we are open to sponsorships, and three have already found their way to us. + As always, we are open to sponsorships, and four have already found their way to us.

- We have again received a 450 EUR donation from [[http://www.hetzner.de|Hetzner Online]], which we will be using to sponsor the accommodation costs of a few participants, as well as BBQ ingredients, carpooling costs, ...
+ We have again received a 450 EUR donation from 
[[http://www.hetzner.de|Hetzner Online]]. Hetzner's donation will be used to 
pay for the medieval-themed tour through Treuchtlingen, as well as for several 
participants' food.
Thanks to Hetzner for repeating this very generous offer for the second year in a row! **[[http://www.washington.edu/|University of Washington]]**
@@ -93,10 +66,14 @@
 Another donation (not a new donation, actually, as we still have some money 
left from their last year's donation) came from the 
[[http://www.washington.edu|University of Washington]] - part of their money 
will be used to cover travel expenses and
accommodation of our US-based core developer Mike 'Mike#2' DePaulo, if he can 
make it, with the remainder of the donation being used for paid code (and 
hopefully, documentation) improvements of X2Go.
[[http://cfd.direct|{{:events:sponsor-cfd-direct-logo.png?nolink|CFD.direct}}]] - And finally, [[http://cfd.direct|CFD.direct]], the sponsors of our cloud-based macOS build servers, have also agreed to sponsor this event with an additional 500 EUR.
+ Yet another donation comes from [[http://cfd.direct|CFD.direct]], the 
sponsors of our cloud-based macOS build servers - they have also agreed to 
sponsor this event with an additional 500 EUR. Their donation will be used for 
the accommodation costs of a few participants, as well as carpooling costs, and 
also for several participants' food.
+ [[https://www.thomas-krenn.com/de/index.html|{{https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/786535086539870208/1SRFQsVa_400x400.jpg|Thomas Krenn}}]] + + Last, but not least,
[[https://www.thomas-krenn.com/de/index.html|Thomas Krenn]] has decided to send 
us a pack of giveaways for our participants, consisting of ballpoint pens, 
cups, webcam covers, post-its, and reusable smartphone display wipes.
+ <note>Note to participants: Especially if you're a public service employee, please 
check with your employer if you are allowed to accept these giveaways. If you choose to 
pass on this offer, any remaining items will be distributed amongst Linux User Groups 
and/or Hackerspaces in the Stuttgart and Ulm area.</note>
Thinking of becoming a sponsor as well? Let us know! The more, the merrier! :-)
 Of course, all sponsors will be named on our sponsorship wiki page, unless 
they wish to remain anonymous.
@@ -137,18 +114,28 @@
   * get-together in the conference room (there's Wi-Fi and power, so if you 
want to code away, feel free to do so)
=== Arrival Plan ===
 ^ When ^ Where ^ Who ^
- | 14:00h-15:00h| Grafensaal | Mihai, Juri, Mike#2, Uli, Stefan |
- |
15:29h or 16:29h| Treuchtlingen Station | Mike#1 |
+ | 13:53h | Treuchtlingen Station | Thomas |
+ | 14:00h-15:00h | Grafensaal | Mihai, Juri, Mike#2, Uli, Stefan |
+ | 15:29h or 16:29h | Treuchtlingen Station | Mike#1 |
+ | ??? | Treuchtlingen Station | Hans-Hermann |
+ | 16:30h | Treuchtlingen Station | Walid |
+ | ??? | Grafensaal/Treuchtlingen Station | Bernhard |
+ | ??? | Grafensaal | Alex |
+ | ??? | Grafensaal | h1 |
+ | ??? | Grafensaal | Franz |
+ ^ Time slot ^ Topic ^ Speaker / Moderator ^ Comment ^
 | 14:00h-16:00h| Chairs/Tables/Infrastructure/equipment setup @ Grafensaal 
(meeting room) | Everyone | (depends on the carpool's arrival time) |
 | 16:00h| Check-In starts | //Stefan// | 16:00h is when room (keys) are 
guaranteed to become available \\ Stefan and/or Mihai will pick them up if 
we're short on time / if some participants are late |
- | xx:xx | informal get-together | | COMPUTERS VERBOTEN, Smartphones frowned 
upon! (except for
showing holiday or family pictures and the like) - You're supposed to get to 
know the people behind the code |
- | on arrival of last participant | Official Welcome | Stefan | Also: Quick 
introduction to house rules/Code of Conduct, distribution of room keys |
+ | also 16:00h-arrival of last participant | informal get-together | | 
COMPUTERS VERBOTEN, Smartphones frowned upon! (except for showing holiday or 
family pictures and the like) - You're supposed to get to know the people 
behind the code |
+ | on arrival of last participant (duration: 15 Minutes) | Official Welcome | 
Stefan | Also: Quick introduction to house rules/Code of Conduct, distribution 
of room keys |
+ | after Official Welcome (duration: 15 Minutes) | Order Pizza | everyone | |
 | T+30m | Dinner (Pizza by 
 Grotta]]); have a drink and get to know the other participants'
X2Go-related work | |
 | T+60m - until bedtime | coding session | |  |
+ ToDo: Shuttle service Grafensaal -> Adventure Campus
   * Early tour(s) with Franz and Alex as drivers?
   * Late tour with Mihai
   * Pedestrians always in Groups of 2 or more, never alone; preferably with at 
least one native German speaker per group

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