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Date        : 2017/09/17 18:06
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User        : stefanbaur

@@ -122,15 +122,16 @@
 | ??? | Grafensaal | Franz |
^ Time slot ^ Topic ^ Speaker / Moderator ^ Comment ^
- | 14:00h-16:00h| Chairs/Tables/Infrastructure/equipment setup @ Grafensaal 
(meeting room) | Everyone | (depends on the carpool's arrival time) |
+ | 14:00h-16:00h| Chairs/Tables/Infrastructure/equipment setup @ Grafensaal 
(meeting room) | everyone | (depends on the carpool's arrival time) |
 | 16:00h| Check-In starts | //Stefan// |
16:00h is when room (keys) are guaranteed to become available \\ Stefan and/or 
Mihai will pick them up if we're short on time / if some participants are late |
 | also 16:00h-arrival of last participant | informal get-together | | 
COMPUTERS VERBOTEN, Smartphones frowned upon! (except for showing holiday or 
family pictures and the like) - You're supposed to get to know the people 
behind the code |
 | on arrival of last participant (duration: 15 Minutes) | Official Welcome | 
Stefan | Also: Quick introduction to house rules/Code of Conduct, distribution 
of room keys |
 | after Official Welcome (duration: 15 Minutes) | Order Pizza | everyone | |
- | T+30m | Dinner (Pizza by 
 Grotta]]); have a drink and get to know the other participants' X2Go-related 
work | |
- | T+60m - until bedtime | coding session | |  |
+ | 30 minutes after Pizza order |
Dinner (Pizza by 
 Grotta]]); have a drink and get to know the other participants' X2Go-related 
work | everyone |
+ | after Dinner | Vereinsgründung | h1 | See section 
on this page for an explanation |
+ | after Vereinsgründung | Open Coding | everyone |  |
ToDo: Shuttle service Grafensaal -> Adventure Campus
   * Early tour(s) with Franz and Alex as drivers?
   * Late tour with Mihai

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