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Date of New Revision: 2022/03/18 10:57
Edit Summary        : Added orca e.V. annual meeting entry/link
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@@ -15,14 +15,17 @@
    * Tuebix
    * LinuxWochenWien
    * X2Go: The Gathering "2021.5" - we skipped 2021 due to the pandemic 
affecting several core team members, so hopefully we can have two "main" events 
in 2022
    * X2Go: The Gathering 2022 probably in early July 2022, as current 
estimates (both best- and worst-case-scenarios) point to a low number of 
Covid-19 infections by then, so there's a chance for a real-life event, 
possibly outdoors.
+ ==== 2022-03-27 orca e.V. annual meeting, virtual event ====
+ As a result of X2Go: The Gathering 2021 being cancelled, the orca e.V. annual 
meeting has become a separate event. You can find the (updated) agenda 
[[events:x2go-gathering-2021#orca_ev_annual_meeting|here]], on the old X2Go: 
The Gathering 2021 wiki page.
  ===== Past Events =====
- ==== 2021-03-12 to 2021-03-13 - Chemnitzer LinuxTage (CLT), virtual event ====
+ ==== 2022-03-12 to 2022-03-13 - Chemnitzer LinuxTage (CLT), virtual event ====
    * Stefan, Juri and Mihai volunteered to staff the virtual booth and used 
the opportunity to work on X2Go-TCE-Live as well as for some clean-up work on 
the bugtracker
    * Virtual booth confirmed: See 
[[https://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2022/de/programm/beitrag/180]] for details
    * Talk confirmed: "X2Go - A high-performance remote desktop, now also via 
browser" (talk was in German). See 
[https://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2022/de/programm/beitrag/176] for details. 
(Slides can be found here 
  ===== Previous Years =====
  [[events:2021]] [[events:2020]] [[events:2019]] [[events:2018]] 
[[events:2017]] [[events:2016]] [[events:2015]] [[events:2014]] [[events:2013]] 

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