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Old Revision        : https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/events:start?rev=1659270067
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Date of New Revision: 2022/07/31 12:23
Edit Summary        : [Tentative] no PaM
User                : stefanbaur

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@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
  <note important>Due to the Covid-19/Corona pandemic, some of these events, if 
scheduled as a real-life or hybrid event, may get cancelled or turned into 
purely virtual events; some possibly on short notice. Please watch this site 
and the individual event sites for updates.</note>
-   * Pi and More
+   * Pi and More - has become "[[https://piandmore.de/de/conference/par22/|Pi 
and Radio]]" and is a real-life event on 2022-09-10 - X2Go won't be there :'( 
(we're past the CfP)
    * maybe LPD 2022.1 (2021-05-14) via TuxTage 22?
    * LinuxDay.AT (2022-09-24), Dornbirn, Austria - will be a real-life event 
unless pandemic situation worsens, CfP deadline: 2022-08-06
    * <del>Tuebix</del> - No feedback from them, so probably cancelled
    * <del>LinuxWochenWien (2022-06-02 to 2022-06-04), Vienna, Austria (hybrid 
event)</del> No feedback from them, so probably cancelled rather than postponed

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