On Sat, 2010-09-25 at 08:41 +0100, Matthew Macdonald-Wallace wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> On Fri, 2010-09-24 at 23:19 +0200, Paul Menzel wrote:
> > thank you for your offer. I would be happy if you could do this. I have
> > never worked with GitHub, so I do not know how it is working in detail.
> It's easy and we don't need to pay for it! ;)
> > Could you please write down your ideas, on what branches you want to
> > create and how you want to import the “latest sources”. Will you just
> > take the latest tarballs or also the one beforehand?
> My plan was to setup v. simple master and staging branches.
> Master would contain the code as of today (which I believe to be stable)
> and staging would be a fork of this code to which people would be able
> to commit.
> > If someone wants to contribute a patch, how would she/he do this? Send
> > the patch to the list and when it is acknowledged by anyone, you will
> > push it? Or is there an “incoming” branch where all patches can be
> > pushed to and some people are cherry-picking those to a development
> > branch? Sorry for all these questions.
> If people have an account on GitHub, they can clone the repo into their
> own account, work on it and submit a pull request to pull the code back
> into the main staging branch.
> This could then be reviewed by the project leaders and merged where
> appropriate into the 'master' branch.
> Master would then be used to generate all debs/rpms/tar.gz/($other)
> files for distribution.
> > I would suggest to wait until Monday evening, so people can read up on
> > this list when they get back to work and have time to respond. But if it
> > is not too much work for you and changes are possible, you could also
> > set it up right away and people could comment on that.
> Reading the other threads, I am happy to wait until monday (or even
> until after the release of Baikal!) before I do anything - whilst I am
> happy to help out the community (and hopefully take some of the weight
> away from the devs!) I don't want to cause any more upset than there has
> been already!
> Kind regards,
> Matt
Your positive, tangible steps to help are greatly appreciated.  I have
not used GIT but it sounds like you have proposed a flexible, usable
solution.  I have no problems with your running with (and no authority
to tell you to do so :-)  ).  Thanks - John

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