> Yippee have built a cross compiled version of x2goclient by copying
> libQtSvg4.a to libQtSvg.a on the Windows VM plus doing the same for
> QtGui, QtNetwork and QtCore. Not sure why Windows and Linux are
> different with their filenames.
> I copied the resulting binary across to the Windows VM and fired it
> up. That worked fine though once I entered my username and password
> the client crashed and was intercepted by Qt debugger.
> This is so so frustrating as every step forward that is taken is
> countered by two back steps. Hopefully one of the developers will be
> able to help as we are really running out of time to get a functional
> X2Go client working. Mouse issues etc with Xming is causing us major
> issues and we need to test with VCXSRV ASAP.

Have tried with 3.01-13 and the unstable branch each one crashes as soon as the 
username and password is entered :(
Thanks, Phil
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