----- Original Message -----
> --[ UxBoD ]-- schrieb:
> Hello Phil,
> > Hello Alex, really appreciate your response :) I have taken the
> > Windows X2GO 3.01-11 and installed that on Windows XP 32 bit. I
> > backed up x2goclient.exe and the proceeded to compile the same
> > version of x2goclient using MinGW and Qt 4.7.1 (this could be where
> > the problem is arising!) using the steps; qmake followed by
> > mingw32-make release and that created the binary. I copied that to
> > c:\program files\x2goclient and ran it. It started fine and I
> > connected to my existing session, once I entered my username and
> > password it then crashed. This happens the same with both build
> > under Linux and Windows. Using QtCreator I did manage to get some
> > kind of debug information which said:
> >
> > Creating desktop: x2go_Administrator
> >
> > ASSERT failure in QWidget: "Widgets must be created in the GUI
> > thread.", file kernel\qwidget.cpp, line 1231
> > QObject::killTimers: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
> > C:\x2goclient-3.01\debug\x2goclient.exe exited with code 3
> >
> I think, a newest version of qt that I tried was a 4.6.x.
> > I will try downloading the same release of Qt that you are using.
> Just to be clear I am assuming that you export your Windows Qt install
> to your Linux box and then compile using those libraries ?
> Yes, I have compiled Qt libs on windows and then exported libraries as
> SMB share. But building in windows environment is no problem although.
> I
> make cross platform build only because it is simple and comfortable.
> regards

Using Qt 4.5.3 was the magic formula and we now have a client built using 
VcxSrv.  From my testing performance appears to be pretty comparable with Xming.
Does the unstable branch of x2goclient have the code in for windows clipboard ? 
Then will be the next thing we wish to get working.
Oh,have tested full screen mode with vcxsrv though have found it throws it to 
the foreground and obscures the x2go window. Do you know of a way with QProcess 
to minimize the forked process ?
Thanks, Phil
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