On Tue, 2011-01-11 at 22:33 +0000, --[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> > On Tue, 2011-01-11 at 19:55 +0000, --[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I am compiling up the x2go client to use vcxsrv on Windows 7 which
> > > worked fine. Though when I run the 3.0.14 libssh version it hangs on
> > > connecting. I thought it could have been my compilation for which I
> > > tried the standard installation and that does exactly the same. If I
> > > then kill the client using the red X in the corner I receive a
> > > dialogue box with a message from sudo asking if I have had the risks
> > > explained to me :) Is anybody else this type of behavior ??
> > Hi, Phil. I don't know what has changed but it almost smells like the
> > client side changes uncovered a problem on the server side. I'm not
> > sure but that almost certainly a message from one of the scripts
> > running
> > on the server side being reflected to stdout on ssh running on the
> > client.
> > 
> > We could probably find out where the problem is by adding a series of
> > logger commands to the server side scripts to see where the server
> > side
> > script processing is stopping. I'm not sure if we need to suppress
> > stdout on the server or client side and if that would solve any of the
> > problems.
> > 
> > I don't know a lot about sudo but I wonder if we need to pass it the
> > -n
> > parameter to suppress that message. Just a bunch of guesses; I hope
> > they help - John
> Then would the problem not be apparent when the same client is run on Windows 
> XP ?

One would think so but something is different. That's what I mean that
we may have stumbled into something.  As far as I know, sudo is not
running on the windows client at all but I do believe it is used
extensively in the server side scripts.  I don't know why we are
suddenly seeing the warning message after moving to libssh instead of
ssh on cygwin and why it does not appear on XP - John

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