Hello John, Phil, Moritz, list,

I'll tray in this short mail to give answers on all your questions.

1) Xming working correct with nxproxy only in "multiwindow" mode.
2) Xming need some time to start and it started by parallel thread to
reduce delay. It make not sense to start it by x2goconnections, this
will only enlarge connection time on 3-5 sec and bring no effort
3) Xming just ignoring "keyhook" option (I think because of multiwindow
4) "right top click" is a feature of x2goagent, not X11. It will be
possible to make changes in x2goagent to disable it or make configurable,

We would be happy to say "Good By" to Xming and old xorg-6 sources. I'll
take a look on VcXsrv this week. It looks good, seems to be gpl-3
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/vcxsrv/develop) and based on the xorg
git(http://vcxsrv.sourceforge.net/) git = Xorg-7. I think, John and Phil
made a good experience with VcXsrv. I'll make some tests and will try to
use it with x2goplugin. Possible, I'll need to make some changes, as I
have made it with Xming. If VcXsrv will work good with x2goclient, we
will include it in windows installer.

Oleksandr Shneyder
Dipl. Informatik
X2go Core Developer Team

email:  oleksandr.shney...@obviously-nice.de
web: www.obviously-nice.de

--> X2go - everywhere@home

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