On Thu, 2011-01-20 at 02:09 +0100, Oleksandr Shneyder wrote:
> Am 19.01.2011 17:03, schrieb John A. Sullivan III:
> <snip>

> Hello John,
> All I wrote is relative to Xming, not vcxsrv. Sure, we will change a
> behavior of X2Go client to make it work as good as possible with new
> Xserver. For example, we can start Xserver after the users choose his
> session, in this case x2goclient can use a time, that user need to type
> password to start Xserver. It is possible, that vcxsrv have not alt+tab
> problem in fullscreen mode. But I must do some researches before we will
> replace Xming with vcxsrv. I hope, I can give you an answer next week.
> Regards,
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Hi, Oleksandr.  We certainly don't want to duplicate effort and we also
doubt our own skill to do this well and quickly since neither Phil nor I
are developers so we would prefer these changes come from you rather
than us.  Do you have any rough idea of when you would releasing this
feature? If it's near term, we'll wait for your solution whereas, if it
is going to be a while, we'll take a stab at it and submit our work to
you.  Thanks - John

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