Hi Stefan,

On Mo 30 Jan 2012 18:37:40 CET "newsgroups.ma...@stefanbaur.de" wrote:

Am 29.01.2012 00:46, schrieb Mike Gabriel:
From my point of view it is indeed not necessary to recompile NX to be used with libjpeg-turbo. People may correct me if that is not true.

So for a running X2Go server and client you can drop in

  on squeeze: apt-get install libjpeg-turbo62
  on wheezy, sid: apt-get install libjpeg-turbo8

And your host should then run with libjpeg-turbo instead of libjpeg. Please note, that this change affects every application on that system. So... no warranty given from our side. Also, if testing libjpeg-turbo, please read the documentation of libjpeg-turbo:


it would be really helpful if someone could type up a step-by-step guide for testing.

1. Install X2Go Server and Client
2. install libjpeg-turbo62 (squeeze) or libjpeg-turbo8 (wheezy + sid) from the heuler repos on packages.x2go.org on server and/or client
3. test the experience...

I'd love to try this out, but either I *did* something wrong or something *goes* wrong, as the following had no positive effect whatsoever:
* add heuler repository, apt-get update
* apt-get install libjpeg-turbo62 on my squeeze-based server
* connect from latest Microsoft Windows client to said server
* use Iceweasel in rootless mode, access YouTube and watch a movie

What compression do you use? 16m-jpeg-9?

The only effect I saw was a "screen hang" when leaving YouTube for another web site, and no speed increase whatsoever. :-(


1) Will this currently only work between Linux Clients and Linux Servers?

jpeg compression is performed on both sides: client _and_ server, I guess. It can have an effect on both sides (I guess).

2) Will it work with rootless sessions? (I remember NoMachine/FreeNX once stated that rootless sessions in general - i.e. not related to libjpeg-turbo - gain less speed than a fullscreen session - but that was years ago and may have changed and may not apply to X2Go at all, I don't know.)

It should...

3) Is the library required on both the server *and* on the client?

Best performance is achieved if it is installed on both: server and client. But it can be installed on either, only.

4) Should it work "out of the box" after installing the package, or do I have to change some file somewhere to add the library path?

out-of-the-box, by theory... However, we should compare a drop-in of the package into an already running server with an NX (redistributed) compiled on a system where libjpeg-turbo is installed during package build. Not sure if that changes performance gain...

5) Do I have to restart a daemon after changing this file?

No daemons involved here, at all.

6) Why was I able to install the package without apt-get telling me it would remove the "non-turbo" library package? To make this clear, I don't complain about a lack of a warning (Mike did provide such a warning in his posting), but I'm surprised about the lack of *action* i.e. no library package has been removed when I installed the libjpeg-turbo62 package.

Please read more about dpkg-divert:

And refer to the postrm and preinst scripts of libjpeg-turbo:

Kind Regards,



mike gabriel, dorfstr. 27, 24245 barmissen
fon: +49 (4302) 281418, fax: +49 (4302) 281419

GnuPG Key ID 0xB588399B
mail: mike.gabr...@das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de


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