On Saturday 19 May 2012 22:13:39 Mihai Moldovan wrote:
> * On 19.05.2012 09:55 PM, Arnold Krille wrote:
> > I am having some doubts about the future of X2Go and seeking for answers.
> > I saw mails mentioning nx3.6 which seems a bit strange to me given that
> > the
> > next version of nomachine's nx is 4.0.
> Wait, wait, sorry, that's all my fault. nx 3.6.0 was entirely my
> "imagination", I needed a version higher than 3.5.0 to show future versions
> (i.e. yet unreleased) and decided to bump it up to 3.6.0. I should have
> went for 42.23...
> Again: don't take this seriously, it was just a made-up example without
> *any* real knowledge of nomachine nx version numbers!

I didn't take your 3.6 seriuosly, but combined with my co-workers complaints 
yesterday morning and my internet-reading yesterday evening and my thoughts 
this morning, it was the trigger for bringing my thoughts to a white canvas 
and send them to the public via mailing-list.

Have fun,


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