Hi All:

We're hoping to get some help setting up printing for an x2go Debian squeeze 
server.  FYI - with help, we got this going about a year ago and may be rusty 
but hopefully are not making old mistakes.

When we try to print from both an Ubuntu and Win7 machine, with the settings 
set to generate a pdf that can be printed to local printers, we see no x2o cups 
printers and neither evince on Ubuntu nor acrobat on Win7 start.

We used the following link (the server is Debian squeeze):


And did the following:
apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keys.gnupg.net E1F958385BFE2B6E
touch /etc/apt/sources.list.d/x2go.list
(added to x2go.list)
# X2Go Repository
deb http://packages.x2go.org/debian squeeze main
# X2Go Repository (sources)
deb-src http://packages.x2go.org/debian squeeze main
aptitude update

aptitude install x2go-keyring && aptitude update
aptitude search x2go (just to confirm packages had been installed)

apt-get install x2goserver 
apt-get install x2goserver-xsession
apt-get install x2goserver-printing
apt-get install cups-x2go

Cups was installed on the server as a result of the original install, so we 
made no changes there.

We then generated ssh keys and created authorized_keys on the server,  and 
moved id_rsa over to the clients.  We also added x2gouser to sshd_config as an 
allowed user.

>From there we could connect to the server via x2go client, but get the 
>symptoms described above when we try to print.

We checked groups, and there is both an x2user and x2goprint group.  We tried 
adding our user to the x2goprint group, as well as x2goprint to our sshd_config 
as an allowed user with no change.  

Last time around, Alex updated the cups-x2go file which we assume is now part 
of the install and added "x2goprint ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/x2goprint" as 
a sudo entry.  While we don't think Debian uses sudo the way Ubuntu does, we 
tried adding that line via Visudo and it made no difference.

Is this a password/permissions issue?  Maybe an iptables issue that is blocking 
sftp?  We tried turning on file sharing in the GUI, but don't see the shared 
folder (we don't use file sharing, so we may not know what we are looking for). 
 Our line in sshd_config for sftp is "Subsystem sftp 

Any suggestions?  Thanks!


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