Hi All:

Thanks John, Mike.  Thanks for the responses.

1)  Apologize, but don't know how to respond to threads other than to write a 
new email - assume this is the wrong way to do this.  May be way we set up our 
profile?  We don't get email responses to questions, and go to archive to 
retrieve them.  Fix this?

2)  Mike's Response

"Have you read this tutorial? I guess, it still is up-to-date...

Hi Mike - great suggestion - have seen this tutorial, but didn't occur to us to 
try it.  We're going to spend a bit more time trying to get single node to 
work, as figure that may come in handy...but think your suggestion is going to 
be the way for us to go.

3)  John's Response

"Does the CUPS server have rights to write to the client's spool
directory? Good luck - John"

Hi John - how are you?  Good question...spent some time trying to check by 
comparing server where we connect directly to the x2go server vs. x2go running 
on a Vserver guest including on both:
/tmp/.x2go-user1/spool/C-user1-50-1347811312_stDGNOME_dp24 (see below)

Even if we (assuming no mistakes) make the permissions comparable on both the 
x2go to x2go server and the x2go to x2go server on Vserver guest on these 
folders, no joy.

This may be the right track, though....a couple of observations/questions:
a)  On the box where we connect directly the x2go server (no vserver involved), 
in the .x2go folder for the user there is a healthy "spool" link - on the 
vserver example, this link exists but is broken (they both point at /tmp); 
Bertl at Vserver says this is OK.
b)  When we try to print, on the working x2goclient to x2goserver (again, no 
vserver), the /tmp/.x2go-user1/spool/C-user1-50-1347811312_stDGNOME_dp24 folder 
gets created along with the pdf for the print job.  NOTE:  this does not happen 
on the x2go client to x2go server on Vserver guest.  I.e., no comparable folder 
is created.  So this folder which we think gets generated on the fly, only gets 
generated on the x2go to x2go server (not the instance where we connect to the 
x2go server on the vserver guest).

Q:  would this be because of permissions?

c)  we get entries in the error_log on the x2go client to x2go server on 
Vserver guest of:
E [16/Sep/2012:16:56:12 +0000] Unable to open listen socket for address ::1:631 
- Address family not supported by protocol.
E [16/Sep/2012:16:56:13 +0000] Unable to bind broadcast socket - Address 
already in use.

Our understanding is that this has to do with IPv6 not working or being set up. 
 However, when we think we disabled IPv6 using "echo 'blacklist ipv6' >> 
/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" the errors disappear but we still can't print.  Does 
this matter?

We also tried adding some entries to /etc/cups/cupsd.conf like:
Allow from
Allow from #your ip area.

...but nothing changed.

As always, any suggestions appreciated.


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