Dear Oleksandr,

> And one more thing, as I understood, this code work only with recent
> version of libssh. We should think, how can we make it available for
> distributions like squeeze. Such distributions should be also supported
> by X2Go Client.
I have sent a bug report to Debian to include the missing patch.

> I have a one notice. In your case HTTP protocol is used for proxy. It is
> mean, that user name and password will be transmitted unencrypted. It
> can follow to security issues. Can you think about HTTPS support? This
> should be not very difficult, as Qt already supports SSL. You can check
> code of HttpBrockerClient class in X2Go Client, which can use HTTPS
> connections.

QNetworkProxy relies on QAuthenticator.

QAuthenticator supports the following authentication methods:
- Basic
- NTLM version 2
- Digest-MD5

Which one is used depends on the setup of the proxy server. Squid has plugin 
for NTLM.

NTLM and Digest-MD5 should be acceptable inside a private network.

After the connection is established all further traffic will be SSH encrypted.

I am not aware of proxies being contacted over https.

An interesting feature might be QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy which can use the 
system settings to determine the proxy server.

Best regards

Heinrich Schuchardt
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