Hi Ralf,

On Fr 09 Nov 2012 09:56:19 CET Ralf Hemmecke wrote:

Now could you even tell me approximatly in which files I would have to look?

/usr/lib/x2go/* They are less then 2000 lines of code!

Oh, I thought, you would rather point me to the respective source files
which (most probably) lives in x2goserver.git.

x2goserver.git/x2goserver/lib/ for the 3.1.1.x release series (Git branch).

Note that in current master I currently refactor the code into proper Perl modules. This will be easier to fork for user space X2Go, I presume. I'd recommend to stick to the 3.1.1.x stuff for now.

If I want to provide a patch for upstream, I should probably look there.

If you want to provide a patch, then you have to handle the Perl module based code in the master branch, I guess. However, this is in the middle of transition, currently.

Since the install procedure might put quite a lot of (even unrelated)
things into /usr/lib/ , may I ask whether there is (apart from the
debian binary installation procedure) some script or Makefile that is
responsible for putting everything in place?

Yes, there is a Makefile:


In fact, I'd like to know what the usual way to *compile* and to
*install* x2goserver (or anything that I would need for userspace
installation) actually is. I'd like to start compiling and installing
x2goserver from the git repository sources as foouser in his $HOME. So
as a first step I'd like to disregard all debian specific installation

  $ git clone git://code.x2go.org/x2goserver.git
  $ cd x2goserver
  $ make && sudo make install

Am I right that x2goserver uses the standard

  cd x2goserver; ./configure && make && make install

No configure script, yet!!!

? The INSTALL file in that directory doesn't say something about
"configure", but that's probably because it refers to the enduser that
extracts x2goserver from a tar.gz file and not from the git repository.

The enduser hopefully can install X2Go server from one of the available distro archives...

Anyway, I'll probably have to introduce a configure file to later allow
"--prefix=/installation/directory" as argument. Can upstream live with
that our should it rather be avoided?

If the configure file works for system-wide installations, then yes.

I guess, that you are aware that you have to test both cases (user space X2Go and system-wide X2Go). So, I guess, now it is time to power up your virtualization software and get x2goserver installed before starting to re-code it.



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mail: mike.gabr...@das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de


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