Package: x2goclient
Severity: wishlist

Even with the newer Xserver that is included in x2goclient-, Chromium and Chrome still crash at random intervals.
To be exact, they're not crashing themselves, they're crashing the Xserver.
Pausing and resuming a session lets you continue where you stopped, yet, this is an instability that users won't put up with since they quit Windows 98/Millennium for good. It's only when X2Go is involved that these crashes occur - if you export the display with ssh (from PuTTY) instead of using x2goclient.exe, Chromium and Chrome behave well.

This is not a showstopper for me (my customers are using Iceweasel so far), but it is an issue where I had hoped to see some improvement with the new Xserver.
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