Please test and follow this workaround with x2goclient-
(for windows) until a package with the old pulseaudio is
made (most likely in several hours):

1. Install x2goclient if you haven't already. It will by
default be installed to "C:\Program Files\x2goclient\" on 32-bit, and
"C:\Program Files (x86)\x2goclient\" on 64-bit.
2. Rename the installation location's "pulse" subfolder to "pulse-1.1"
3. Download
but do not install it.
4. Open that .exe file in 7-zip or peazip as an archive and extract
the $_OUTDIR\pulse\ folder from it. Do not extract it directly to the
installation location's folder. Instead, extract it to someplace where
you have write permissions, such as your "My Documents" so that
windows UAC file virtualization does not interfere.
(There's other ways to get this "pulse" folder too. E.g, installing it
on a spare machine and copying the folder. Temporarily uninstalling
x2goclient and installing, etc.)
5. Copy the "pulse" folder to the x2go installation folder.

I quickly tested this workaround on an x2goserver VM running ubuntu
12.04.x 32-bit (with the latest updates and the quantal HWE) and it
did fix this bug for me. (This bug was present when I did not perform
the workaround.) My client system is windows 8.1 64-bit.

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